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The Applied Buddhadharma Writing Contest with the highest Prize being held by Huong Sen Buddhist Temple

Ven. Ni Sư Giới Hương

Subject: Applied Buddha Dharma in Daily Life
Organized by Huong Sen Temple

Huong Sen Temple will organize a writing contest in Vietnamese or English focusing on the application of Buddhism in daily life. 

  1. Purpose

The purpose of the contest is to encourage individual expression stemming from emotional events that occur in daily social life. These are described by your perception, response, and attitude toward the sacred teachings of the Buddha. The topics can be work, family, school, pandemic or street stories, etc. Entries can be short stories, articles, and poems, as long as it is related to Buddhist thought and content, and will convey how to apply the teachings in daily life.

  1. Contestants

Only work that has never been published (including in the mass media) will be accepted. Graduation dissertations from universities or professional institutes are not the subject in this contest. There is neither a limit to the number of articles by the same author nor any age requirement. 

  1. Prizes

The judges will award prizes for up to five people with the best composition. The prize will include a certificate of merit and a prize of approximately $12,000 USD, distributed into five prizes as follows:

First Prize: $5,000,

Second Prize: $3,000,

Third Prize: $2,000,

and two consolation prizes, each: $1,000. 

  1. Judges

 * Venerable Bhikkhuni Gioi Huong, head of the organizing

    committee and head of the jury.

*  Judges include: Tam Dieu, Nguyen Giac, Hoang Mai Dat, Nguyen Ha,

    Khanh Lan, Ngoc Bao, My Phung, and Huyen Nguyen.

  1. Submission Instructions
  2. Manuscripts written in Vietnamese must use Unicode typeface. The entries will be limited to 3,000-10,000 words, with a brief biography of the author and contact address. Please send a computer version of the DOC via the file attachment to the email address of the organizers: [email protected].Under the name of the entry, the author should clearly state “Applied Buddha Dharma Writing Contest.”
  1. Submission deadline is from April 14, 2022 until the end of October 30, 2022. The award ceremony will be held at the end of 2022 or early 2023 at Huong Sen Temple, Riverside County, California, USA. Winners from far away will have their prizes delivered to their homes.
  1. Each individual will be able to participate with one or more compositions. Compositions with multiple authors will be considered as the work of an individual named with the consent of the other authors.
  1. We do not accept typed or handwritten entries by post.
  1. The judges have the authority to choose or reject according to the criteria set forth by the jury and reserve all rights to edit, correct, and distribute the entries in the press, radio, film, or books.

We gratefully accept any support from spiritual to material. Currently, in addition to Huong Sen Temple, there are more sponsoring organizations such as the Duoc Tue Buddhist Studies Association, Thu Vien Hoa Sen, Ananda Viet Foundation, My-Viet Magazine, Tinh Tan Magazine, 365 Travel Club, Ana Real Estate & Ana Funding, Inc., Trong Dong News, Chánh Pháp Magazine… This list will be expanded as we receive additional sponsorship from other organizations or individuals.

Regarding financial sponsorship, we do not accept cash, only personal or corporate checks. Checks should be written to Huong Sen Buddhist Temple. Bank transfers can be via Zele or PayPal. All funds received from sponsors will go to the prize fund. As a California State 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, we will provide you with a Tax-Exempt ID that you can use when filing your tax return. For sponsorship communications, please mail to the above address.

The Prize Organizer reserves the right to discontinue the program without prior notice. In this case, the sponsors’ cash will be refunded. If you have any questions, please email or contact the above address.

Follow up the details of the competition at www.huongsentemple.com.

 The Award Organizing Committee cordially invites you to participate in this competition.

Huong Sen Temple, April 10, 2022

On behalf of the Organizing Committee,

Venerable Bhikkhuni Gioi Huong

Written Contest on Buddha Dharma 2022

Thi Viết Văn Phật Pháp Ứng Dụng có giải thưởng cao nhất năm ngàn Mỹ Kim

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