The essential teachings of the Buddha

Yo sàro so thassati.” Whatever is the core of the tree will last for a long time.” (MN. Sutta N. 29)
“Yo paticcasamuppadam passati, so dhammam passati; Yo dhammam passati, so paticcasamuppadam passati
One who sees Dependent Origination (paticcasamuppada) sees the Dhamma; One who sees the Dhamma sees Dependent Origination.[M.I. 28, 191] 
Sabbadānaṃ dhammadānaṃ jināti.” “
Dharma giving surpasses all over material givings, or of all kinds of almsgivings, Dharma giving is the noblest.”
Yo vo ānanda mayā dhammo ca vinayo ca
desito paññatto so vo mam’ accayena satthā. Vinayo nāmabuddhasāsanassa āyu Vinaye țhite sāsanam thitam hoti.”
“O Ananda, after I (the Buddha) pass away, my Dharma and Precepts skillfully taught,  practiced, and applied into the daily life are all of your best teachers. The virtuous Precepts are the lifespan of Buddhism. Once the virtuous Precepts and Dharma of Tathagata are applied and practiced very well, Buddhism can last a long time in the world.”
When doing good, speaking good, and thinking good things, you will surely attain the five precious blessings: 1. Blessings of long life, 2. Blessings of good health, 3. Blessings of wealth, 4. Blessings of beauty, and 5. Blessings of wisdom.
Virtue, meditation, and wisdom in Buddhism are the three methods of core education for you all.

good dharma talks shared by thầy