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Taking Refuge Firmly in Oneself

Pháp Nhãn Temple


Daily Chanting by heart

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma SamBuddhassa

(3 times)

Respectfully pay homage to the Buddha: the World-Honored One, the Worthy One, the Exalted One, the Fully Awakened and Enlightened One. (Bell)

The Buddha has taught:

O disciples, in the great ocean of birth, death, and Samsara,

Be yourself swimming to the shore of liberation,

Be yourself lighting the torch to go,

Be yourself taking refuge in yourself

Be yourself taking refuge in your own island

Be yourself making the island for your own refuge

Be yourself taking refuge in your own stable cultivation.

Do not take refuge in anyone or anything else.

Use the Dharma as the lamp to illuminate yourself

Use the Dharma as the island for yourself

Use the Dharma as the best refuge for yourself

Use the Dharma to practice and benefit yourself and other people right in the present life.

Therefore, you are determined to take refuge in the right Dharma, not to take refuge in the wrong dharma, or anything else.” [1]

To take refuge in the right Dharma means to take refuge in cultivation of your own virtue, meditation, wisdom, deliverance, and deliverance with right understanding.

Not to take refuge in the wrong dharma means not to take refuge in Brahma, gods, devils, monsters, heresies, wrong dharma, wrong teachings, wrong teachers, bad people, and bad environment.”

In Dīgha Nikāya, Maha-parinibbana Sutta 16, before entering Nibbana, the Buddha has advised his disciples: “O disciples, everything is impermanent and changing. Make great effort to cultivate and practice the Buddhadharma more and more, to bring joy and happiness for yourselves and for other people right here and right now in the present life. These are my essential, practical, and key teachings for you all.”[2]

As well-trained people skillfully learning, understanding, applying, and practicing the Buddhadharma in the daily life flexibly, regularly, and properly, like the strong lions, we do not fear any sound and noise in life.

As well-trained people skillfully learning, understanding, applying, and practicing the Buddhadharma in the daily life flexibly, regularly, and properly, like the winds blowing, we are not afraid to get stuck in the net.

As well-trained people skillfully learning, understanding, applying, and practicing the Buddhadharma in the daily life flexibly, regularly, and properly, like fresh lotuses growing out of the mud and muddy water, but they are not polluted by the mud and muddy water; in the similar way, we live in the world, but we are not polluted by the world.

As well-trained people skillfully learning, understanding, applying, and practicing the Buddhadharma in the daily life flexibly, regularly, and properly, like the firmest islands of ourselves, we are not afraid of all the obstacles and storms of life.

As well-trained people skillfully learning, understanding, applying, and practicing the Buddhadharma in the daily life flexibly, regularly, and properly, like the mighty rhinos, we take the stablest and strongest steps forward in life.

As well-trained people skillfully learning, understanding, applying, and practicing the Buddhadharma in the daily life flexibly, regularly, and properly, like the birds with two wings soaring high in the sky to enjoy the vast space, we can live a life of freedom, lightness, serenity, and nobility.

When being aware of clearly understanding and practicing so, we are the most peaceful and happiest people in the world. From applying and practicing the Buddhadharma into the daily life maturely and fluently, we have the ability to contribute to bringing the fruits and flowers of peace and happiness to the many right in the present life.

Namo The Original Master Sakyamuni Buddhaya.


By Thích Trừng Sỹ

[1] Samyutta Nikaya V. With Yourselves as an island.

[2] See Dìgha NikāyaMahāparinibbāna sutta Part II, 16.

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