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His Holiness the Most Venerable Elder Thích Phổ Tuệ passed away

Ven. Thích Phổ Tuệ & Thích Trừng Sỹ



In accordance with the law of impermanence, His Holiness, the Most Venerable Elder Master Thích Phổ Tuệ, the Third Dharma Supreme Patriarch of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, just passed away at Vien Minh Root Temple, Quang Lang Commune, Phu Xuyen District, Hanoi City, Vietnam.

He lived in the world for 105 years and lived in the Dharma age for 85 years. 

He lived a very frugal and simple life, but his virtue and wisdom always shine on the reverence and nobility for the young generations in this world to learn and to practice.

His seeds of wisdom and virtue have been everywhere, growing and germinating brightly in all generations of Vietnamese Monastics and lay Buddhists at home and abroad.

Toward the beloved homeland of Vietnam, we would like to respectfully pay homage to His Enlightened Soul Three Prostrations.

Monastics and lay Buddhists in USA., 

pay deep respects to Him together.


We would like to invite you to see the frugal and simple pictures below of His Holiness the Most Venerable Elder Master THICH PHO TUE, the Third Dharma Supreme Patriarch of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha when he is still alive.

Thánh Đức Trưởng Lão Hòa Thượng Thích Phổ Tuệ viên tịch

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