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Not Too Tight, Not Too Loose! Not Too Much, Not Too Little!

Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams



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“Don’t talk too much! Don’t work too much! Don’t worry too much! Don’t do too much! Not too tight, not too loose! Not too much, not too little! Walk the middle path!

If we talk too much, we don’t allow ourselves the opportunity to hear the possible wise words of others, and therefore we hinder our chances to learn, for so often when we speak, we are just repeating what we already know.

When speaking, do so skilfully and with good intentions, to create understanding. Be careful not to just talk for the sake of talking, or doing so merely to try to impress others. Be especially careful not to lie, slander, speak harshly or gossip.

Don’t work so much that you wear yourself out or loose enthusiasm for your work. Work just enough so that your tasks are completed, that your skills and efficiency remain consistent and at a high level, and that you are satisfied with your efforts.

Try your best not to worry over things that have been done or need to be done. Worry will only hinder your thoughts, actions and words, and never help. When we worry, we are always concerned with the past and the future, and never fully experiencing the present moment. So let go of worry.

Avoid just filling your life with meaningless activities, just to kill time. This is known as ‘active laziness’. It is not conducive to realising true lasting happiness, satisfaction or liberation.

Live your life meaningfully, moment to moment, day to day, with good intentions, free from worry and agitation. Allow yourself to be well and happy.”

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~Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams~


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