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Please Wholeheartedly Pray for COVID-19 Soon Ended

Thích Trừng Sỹ

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma SamBuddhassa. (3 times)

Respectfully pay homage to the Buddha: the World-Honored One, the Worthy One, the Exalted One, the Fully Awakened or Enlightened One. (Bell)

Incense Offering

As wonderful as the lotus flower,

as bright as the northern star,

let us come back and take refuge in

the Master of gods and human beings.

The precious lotus blossoms on the enlightened pedestal

the halo shines in all directions.

Wisdom goes beyond the Dharma realms,

Loving-kindness and compassion permeate all the mountains and rivers.

I have just seen the Buddha’s perfect countenance,

My wholeheartedly sincere heart is to respectfully offer him,

I forward it to praise the Triple Gem

Diligence in the Dharma path is well cultivated.


We, your disciples, wholeheartedly pay homage to the Buddha forever present in the three lifetimes and ten directions (Bell, one prostration).


We, your disciples, wholeheartedly pay homage to the Dharma forever present in the three lifetimes and ten directions (Bell, one prostration).


We, your disciples, wholeheartedly pay homage to the Sangha forever present in the three lifetimes and ten directions (Bell, one prostration).


Discourse on Person Knows the Best Way to Live Alone [1]

The Buddha has taught:

Do not pursue the past,

Do not lose yourself in the future

The past is not any longer,

The future has not yet come.


Looking deeply at life as it is

In the very here and now

Practitioner dwells

in the stability and freedom.


We must be diligent today

To wait until tomorrow is too late.

Health will get weaker and weaker

We cannot practice.

Death comes suddenly 

It is very difficult for us to know it in advance.


A person knows how to dwell in

Both day and night in mindfulness

The Buddha calls him or her as

The person knows the best way to live alone. (Bell)


May all living things and living beings on earth soon escape from COVID-19.

May they overcome this COVID-19.

May COVID-19 be soon treated and ended for a short time.



May the current vaccine soon be valuable, effective, and practical to be able to prevent and heal COVID-19 quickly.

May medical doctors and scientists be well and happy to invent and create many timely and useful vaccines for humankind today.

May all Politicians, Doctors, Pharmacists, Physicians, Nurses, and Volunteers be well, happy, and peaceful to help, serve, and take care of all the masses and patients on over the planet.

May no one spread the disease and inject anyone.



May all people, all families, all places, Cities, countrysides on over the planet be peaceful and healthy.

May loving-kindness, compassion, and wisdom, peace, joy, and happiness from the practice of ourselves for every hour, every day, every week, every month, and every year be always instilled and cooled for all over the dharma realms of living things and living beings in this world. (Bell)



Recollection of Gratitude to the Buddha Jewels 

The World-Honored Buddha;

the Master is our peaceful, noble, and spiritual Leader;

the Master is the most worthy to be made offerings;

the Master understands and loves;

the Master has fully virtuous conduct and insight;

the Master has obtained perfect peace, joy, and deliverance;

the Master understands the world clearly;

the Master has the ability to subjugate people;

the Master of both gods and human beings;

the Master has attained enlightenment and awakening completely;

the Master deserves to be best honored and respected in the world. 

I would like to respectfully take refuge in and pay homage to the Buddha, the fully awakened and enlightened Master, who has shown me the way of loving-kindness, compassion, wisdom, and peace in my whole life. Namo Buddhaya. (Bell)


Recollection of Gratitude to the Dharma Jewels 

The Dharma Jewels of the World-Honored One that have been well proclaimed by himself are very practical in the present,

have value beyond time,

have the ability to transform one’s body and mind,

have the ability to extinguish defilements of greed, anger, delusion, arrogance, doubt, wrong view, etc.

Taking refuge in the Dharma, an intellectual one who can also cultivate oneself masters the Dharma,

comes and sees,

comes and hears,

comes and understands,

comes and learns

comes and practices,

comes and enjoys the flowers and fruits of peaceful joy and deliverance right here and right now in the present life. 

I would like to respectfully take refuge in the wonderful Dharma, vow to study, apply, and practice the Dharma in my daily life to bring the flowers and fruits of joy, peace, and happiness for myself and for other people right here and right now in the present life.

Namo Dharmaya. (Bell)



Recollection of Gratitude to the Sangha Jewels 

The Sangha Jewels of the World-Honored One means the Community is going on the really good, true, honest, beautiful, and appropriate path;

the Community following the Buddhadharma practices the Buddhadharma, and lives correctly with the Buddhadharma.

In the noble Community, there are those who have attained and are attaining the holy fruition of the stream-enterer, the once-returner, the non-returner,  and that of Arahant, comprise four pairs and eight fruitions of holy people, accomplish all aspects of ethics, meditation, wisdom, deliverance, and deliverance with right understanding.

This Community, deserving to be taken refuge in, served, respected, honored, admired, and made offerings, is the field of merit good for everyone to sow and to plant.

I would like to respectfully take refuge in the peaceful Sangha, the Community of people who vow to live their lives of ethics, meditation, wisdom, harmony, and awakening to the many for all over the planet.

Namo Sanghaya. (Bell)


Compassion Song

My sisters I am here for you

Everybody is very happy

Many in one, we’re living on the earth

Very healthy, we live so peacefully.

My brothers I am here for you

Everybody is very happy

Many in one, we’re same family

Very healthy, we sing song peacefully. (3 times)

(By Thích Trừng Sỹ)



[1] Majjhima Nikaya 131. Bhaddekaratta sutta



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