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Rite of Ceremony of Becoming the Buddha’s Children

Pháp Nhãn Temple



Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma SamBuddhassa

(Repeat x 3)

Respectfully pay homage to the Buddha: the World-Honored One, the Worthy One, the Exalted One, the Fully Awakened and Enlightened One. (Bell)

Namo The Original Master Sakyamuni Buddhaya

(Repeat x 3, Bell)

Praising the Buddha

As wonderful as the lotus flower,
As bright as the northern star,
Let us come back and take refuge in
The Master of gods and human beings.

Respectfully Pay Homage to the Triple Gem

The Buddha, who is the fully Awakened or Enlightened One,

Shows the way of peace to living things and living beings,

Has the virtuous, good, and noble signs,

His wisdom and compassion are perfect.

We, disciples of the Buddha, wholeheartedly pay homage to the Buddha forever present in the three lifetimes and ten directions(One Prostration, Bell)

The Dhamma that is the bright way,

Instructs people to escape from the realm of delusion,

Leads us to return to the true home

In order to live a life of awakening.

We, disciples of the Buddha, wholeheartedly pay homage to the Dharma forever present in the three lifetimes and ten directions(One Prostration, Bell)

The Sangha that is the beautiful Community in harmony

Travels on the joyful path together,

Cultivates to be freed from afflictions

To make life beautified.

We, disciples of the Buddha, wholeheartedly pay homage to the Sangha forever present in the three lifetimes and ten directions(One Prostration, Bell)


Sins arising from the mind also need the mind to show repentance.

When the mind is already purified, sins are immediately gone.

The dispelled sins and the purified mind get empty.

It is called the truthfulness of showing repentance.

Namo Bodhisattva Sincerely Finding Repentance

(Repeat x 3, Bell)

Explaining The Meanings of Doing Penance

(This physical body is like a vase that holds many different types of water in life.

As an intelligent person, I use this vase to make flowers and to store new water, and change the old water by regularly cleaning and tidying it up.

Likewise, as an awakened person, I skillfully use this physical body to beautify life, to develop good things for life, to know how to recognize and repent of mistakes I have made. I vow not to repeat the old mistakes.

Aware of that, every day I diligently do good things, say good things, and think about good things to benefit living beings.

The new water in the vase represents mistakes or faults that have been purified, recognized, and transformed.

The old water in the vase represents mistakes that have been made.

The vase represents the physical body. Relying on your physical body to benefit oneself and other people right in the present life by applying and practicing to live a life of morality, meditation, and wisdom to benefit the many right in this world).

Disciples repeat after the Master’s instructions.

My name is ….

I vow my whole life to take refuge in the Buddha, the One who shows me the way of loving-kindness, compassion, and wisdom in my lifetime. 

I vow my whole life to take refuge in the Dharma, the way of practicing peace, joy, happiness, understanding, and love for the many right in the present life. 

I vow my whole life to take refuge in the Sangha, the Community of cultivated people who vow to lead their lives of ethics, harmony, and awareness to themselves and to others right here and right now in the present life.  (Bell)

Disciples repeat after the Master’s instructions.

My name is ….

I take refuge in the BuddhaI vow my whole life not to take refuge in Brahma, gods, demons, and evil things.” (Bell)

Disciples repeat after the Master’s instructions.

My name is ….

I take refuge in the DharmaI vow my whole life not to take refuge in paganism and heresy. (Bell)

Disciples repeat after the Master’s instructions.

My name is ……

I take refuge in the SanghaI vow my whole life not to take refuge in wrong teachers, wrong teachings, bad people, and bad environments. (Bell)

Disciples repeat after the Master’s instructions.

I have already taken refuge in the BuddhaI don’t fear falling into a realm of hell. (Bell)

Disciples repeat after the Master’s instructions.

I have already taken refuge in the DharmaI don’t fear falling into a realm of a hungry ghost. (Bell)

Disciples repeat after the Master’s instructions.

I have already taken refuge in the SanghaI don’t fear falling into a realm of an animal. (Bell)

Disciples repeat after the Master’s instructions.

I have just taken my vow to take refuge in the Triple Gem.

I have been given the name “……………” by Master.

Disciples repeat after the Master’s instructions.

May the World-Honored One happily accept me as a lay disciple. From now until my whole life, I am determined to take refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha, and I take the vow to practice the Five Methods of Mindfulness Trainings fully: 




The First Method of Mindfulness Training:

Firstly, respecting life, developing compassion, loving-kindness, preserving the natural environment, and cultivating inner peace by being aware not to kill lives.

Dear Dharma Sister and Brother. Are you happy to accept, practice, and apply the first method of mindfulness training in your daily life?

Disciples make the vow to practice:

Namo Buddhaya. Yes, I am.   

When you hear the sound of the bell, please breathe in and out mindfully and consciously. (Bell)


The Second Method of Mindfulness Training:

Secondly, letting go of the stingy and greedy mind, knowing to express my joyful mind to give almsgiving, making offerings, and protect the Triple Gem by being aware not to take what is not given.

Dear Dharma Sister and Brother. Are you happy to accept, practice, and apply the second method of mindfulness training in your daily life?

Disciples make the vow to practice:

Namo Buddhaya. Yes, I am.

When you hear the sound of the bell, please breathe in and out mindfully and consciously. (Bell) 


The Third Method of Mindfulness Training:

Thirdly, building happiness for my family, living faithfully with my legal spouse by being aware not to do sexual misconduct, adultery, and not to violate kids’ sexuality.

Dear Dharma Sister and Brother. Are you happy to accept, practice, and apply the third method of mindfulness training in your daily life?

Disciples make the vow to practice:

Namo Buddhaya. Yes, I am.

When you hear the sound of the bell, please breathe in and out mindfully and consciously. (Bell)


The Fourth Method of Mindfulness Training:

Fourthly, saying harmonious, true, kind, and loving speech in order to bring mutual trust and prestige by being aware not to tell lies.

Dear Dharma Sister and Brother. Are you happy to accept, practice, and apply the fourth method of mindfulness training in your daily life?

Disciples make the vow to practice:

Namo Buddhaya. Yes, I am.

When you hear the sound of the bell, please breathe in and out mindfully and consciously. (Bell)


The Fifth Method of Mindfulness Training:

Fifthly, keeping the body healthy and the mind lucid to bring peacefulness and happiness to families, schools, and societies by being aware not to use intoxicants, drugs, even smoking, gambling, and violent games online.

Dear Dharma Sister and Brother. Are you happy to accept, practice, and apply the fifth method of mindfulness training in your daily life?

Disciples make the vow to practice:

Namo Buddhaya. Yes, I am.

When you hear the sound of the bell, please breathe in and out mindfully and consciously. (Bell)


Reciting the trainings, practicing the way of awareness gives rise to benefits without limit. We vow to share the fruits with all beings. We vow to offer tribute to parents, teachers, friends, and numerous beings who give guidance and support along the path. May the merit of this practice benefit all beings and bring peace. (Bell) 

Express diligent vows and pay thankful respects

to the Triple Gem

We, disciples of Gotama Buddha, are always aware of ourselves by day and by night, constantly practice and recollect the light of the BuddhaNamo Buddhaya

(Bell, one prostration)

We, disciples of Gotama Buddha, are always aware of ourselves by day and by night, constantly practice and recollect the light of the DharmaNamo Dharmaya

(Bell, one prostration)

We, disciples of Gotama Buddha, are always aware of ourselves by day and by night, constantly practice and recollect the light of the SanghaNamo Sanghaya

(Bell, one prostration)

May we be well,

May we be happy

May we be healthy

May we be peaceful

May we be free from suffering, greed, anger, delusion, hatred, violence, ignorance, etc.

May the Buddha and Bodhisattvas bless and protect all anytime and anywhere.

Sadhu, lành thay, excellence, and well-done.

(Bell, Bell, Bell)

By Venerable Master Thích Trừng Sỹ

Nghi Thức Lễ Làm Người Con Phật


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