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Seven kinds of wives or husbands in the Buddha’s teachings

Ven. Thích Trừng Sỹ


Please see the Bhariyā Sutta belonging to Abyākatavaggo (Chapter not declaring) in Anguttara Nikāya (Gradual Collection or Numerical Discourses) and the previous life story of Sujāta in Khuddaka Nikāya (Collection of Little Texts, Minor, or Short Collection)

The first is a wife/ a husband like a murderer.
The second is a wife/ a husband like a thief.
The third is a wife / a husband like a boss.
The fourth is a wife / a husband like a mother / a father.
The fifth is a wife / a husband like a sister / a brother.
The sixth is a wife / a husband like a friend.
The seventh is a wife / a husband like an attendant or an assistant.

First, a wife who has a malicious (spiteful) mind is not faithful in marriage, abandons her husband, has nefarious (bad, evil or immoral) relations with other men just because she is overwhelmed by their wealth or appearance, disdain- scorn her husband and has affection and charm with others. Such a wife, the Tathagata calls the kind of the wife like a murderer.

Likewise, first, a husband who has a malicious (spiteful) mind is not faithful in marriage, abandons his wife, has nefarious (bad, evil or immoral) relations with other women just because he is overwhelmed by their wealth or appearance, disdain his wife, has affection, and charms with others. Such a husband, the Tathagata calls the kind of the husband like a murderer.

Second, the wife does not take general care of the family economy, on the contrary, she still wastes property of her husband creating. Such a wife, the Tathagata calls the kind of the wife like a robbery thief.

Likewise, second, the husband does not take general care of the family economy. On the contrary, he still wastes property of his wife creating. Such a husband, the Tathagata calls the kind of the husband like a robbery thief.

Third, the wife who relies on her money, possessions, beauty, and talents, she is lazy, has no loving speech, does not get along well with her husband, but she only speaks rudely and overwhelms her husband. Such a wife. the Tathagata calls the kind of the wife like a boss.

Likewise, third, the husband who relies on his money, possessions, beauty, and talents, he is lazy, has no loving speech, does not get along well with his wife, but he only speaks rudely and overwhelms his wife. Such a husband. the Tathagata calls the kind of the husband like a boss.

Fourthly, a wife who loves to care for and helps her husband, knows how to preserve and enrich her husband’s property as a mother who takes full care of her family and children. Such a wife, the Tathagata calls the kind of the wife like a mother.

Likewise, fourthly, a husband who loves to care for and helps his wife, knows how to preserve and enrich his wife’s property as a father who takes full care of his family and children. Such a husband, the Tathagata calls the kind of the husband like a father.

Fifthly, a wife who is meek, quiet, gentle, dignified, humble, knows how to pamper and cherish her husband like a brother in the family. Such a wife, the Tathagata calls the kind of the wife like a sister.

Likewise, fifthly, a husband who is flexible, enthusiastic, humble, and skillful, knows how to pamper and cherish his wife like a sister in the family. Such a husband, the Tathagata calls the kind of the husband like a brother.

Sixthly, a wife who is always affable, pleasant, friendly, cordial, happy, and in harmony with her husband is like when meeting a close friend who has just met together for a long time. She is always virtuous and faithful to her husband. Such a wife, the Tathagata calls the kind of the wife like a friend.

Likewise, sixthly, a husband who is always affable, pleasant, friendly, cordial, happy, and in harmony with his wife is like when meeting a close friend who has just met together for a long time. He is always virtuous and faithful to his wife. Such a husband, the Tathagata calls the kind of the husband like a friend.

Seventhly, a wife is always flexible, not hot-tempered, not angry. Despite being treated unkindly by her husband, she still gave in, did not show a rude and loud attitude. On the contrary, she also knows how to skillfully advise and conquer her husband. Such a wife, the Tathagata calls the kind of the wife like an attendant or an assistant.

Likewise, seventhly, a husband is always meek, flexible, not hot-tempered, and not angry. Despite being treated unkindly by his wife, he still did not give in, did not show a rude and loud attitude. On the contrary, he also knows how to skillfully advise and conquer his wife. Such a husband, the Tathagata calls the kind of the husband like an attendant or an assistant.

Through what we have learnt today, we see and recognize that the spirit of equal education between husband and wife in the Buddha’s teachings. Although these teachings have been taught by the Buddha for a long time, they have practical value go beyond time until today.

If wives and husbands in the world have enough wholesome conditions to spend their proper time learning, understanding, practicing, and applying educational teachings about marriage, the life of the couple, the life of the husband and the wife, and the life of the family will be filled with happiness.

Indeed, intelligent women or men should practice the virtues of the fourth, the fifth, sixth, and the seventh wives or husbands, and should keep far away from the kinds of the first, the second, and the third wives or husbands.

When practicing the Buddha’s teachings fluently, they will definitely build happiness for their good families and society.

Moreover, THIỆN SINH SUTRA of Dīrghāgama, Part II, Sutra 16 is equivalent to Dīgha Nikaya, Sutta 31 states:

According to the Buddha’s teachings,

2. The Western direction represents wife and husband

III. Wife’s duties

Listen, Thiện Sinh, to the husband, whose wife has the five duties:

1. Taking care of neat and tidy housework.
2. Cordially welcoming friends and relatives of her husband’s family side.
3. Being faithful to her husband.
4. Maintaining wealth and properties both she and her husband earned.
5. Doing the domestic chores skillfully and quickly.

IV. Husband’s duties

To the wife, whose husband also has the five duties:

1. Loving his wife.
2. Learning the way to listen and say loving speech with her.
3. Having trust in her.
4. Knowing to buy birthday gifts for her.
5. Entrusting power and providing the necessary things for her.

The prostration to the western direction in accordance with the Buddha’s teachings means the husband and his wife, who live faithfully, know concessions, and have each other’s confidence to build happiness and warmness for their family. (O)

Wishing you to be fully filled and imbued with the right Dharma of the World-Honored One.


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