Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh Plumvillage Dr. Tâm Thường Định
We welcome you to attend this special in-person event in New York.
Date and time: Friday, April 11 · 11am – 4pm EDT.
Location: West 109th Street & Broadway
W 109th St and Broadway New York, NY 10025
About this event
Meeting Location: Corner of West 109th Street & Broadway, New York, NY. Free & Open to the Public
Honoring the Legacy of Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh
Join us for a historic and deeply meaningful event as New York City officially co-names West 109th Street between Riverside and Broadway as “Thích Nhất Hạnh Way.” This special ceremony honors the life and teachings of Zen Master Thích Nhất Hạnh, a global spiritual leader, poet, peace activist, and the founder of the Plum Village tradition of Engaged Buddhism.
Thích Nhất Hạnh lived at 306 West 109th Street in the early 1960s while studying and teaching at Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University—a formative period in his life as a scholar, teacher, and activist. This street co-naming recognizes his profound contributions to mindfulness, peace, and social transformation worldwide.
This historic event will bring together city leaders, monastics from the international Plum Village community, and members of the New York City community to commemorate the life and work of one of the world’s most influential spiritual teachers. Schedule of Events:
11:00 AM ET – Arrival of monastics from Blue Cliff and Deer Park Monasteries at W 109th Street and Broadway 11:30 AM ET – Co-Naming Ceremony:
* Remarks by City Council Member Shaun Abreu
* Unveiling of the “Thích Nhất Hạnh Way” sign
* Reflections from monastics and community leaders
* Closing chant
12:00 PM ET – Walking meditation from W 109th Street and Broadway to Union Theological Seminary (121st Street and Broadway)1:00 PM ET – Calligraphy & Book Exhibition, Eating Meditation, and Co-Naming Reception@ UTS
Immediately following the Co-Naming Ceremony, monastics will lead walking meditation from 109th & Broadway to Union Theological Seminary, where Thay taught and studied in the 60s, to gather and enjoy Thay’s calligraphy and book exhibition in Burke Library. We will gather enter Burke Library, on Broadwy and 121 at Union Theological Seminary.
Monastics from Blue Cliff and Deer Park Monasteries will guide the session. Vegan sandwiches will be available (with suggested donation) for an eating meditation in James Chapel of UTS, followed by chanting with the monastics and words from the Thích Nhất Hạnh Program for Engaged Buddhism (TNHEB) program at UTS as well as readings from Thay’s poetry.
We welcome you to join us for this gathering to honor our teacher and connect with sangha friends.
Note that the calligraphy and book exhibition will be in the Burke Library, which is in the same building as James Chapel. The address for Burke Library is 3041 Broadway.
4:00 PM ET – Event concludes
This momentous occasion not only celebrates Thích Nhất Hạnh’s legacy, but also invites participants to embody his teachings of mindfulness, compassion, and peace. The co-naming of “Thích Nhất Hạnh Way” recognizes his profound impact on the global mindfulness movement, as well as his advocacy for interfaith harmony and social transformation.
The event is free and open to the public. There is a suggested donation of $20 for the meal towards the Blue Cliff Monastery nunnery construction. You may also bring your own vegetarian/vegan meal. Community members are warmly encouraged to join in this day of mindful practice, gratitude, and celebration.
About the organizer:
Monastics and layfriends of the Plum Village Tradition
By Dr. Bạch Xuân Phẻ -Tâm Thường Định
On April 11, 2025, a special event will take place in the heart of New York City—the official inauguration of “Thich Nhat Hanh Way”. From that day forward, the stretch of West 109th Street, connecting Riverside Drive to Broadway, will bear the name of the gentle Vietnamese Zen Master who devoted his life to teaching the world about mindful breathing, peaceful steps, and living deeply in the present moment.
A Journey from Homeland to the World
Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh, affectionately known as “Thay” by his global community, was born in 1926 in Thanh Trung Village, Quang Dien District, Thua Thien – Hue Province, Vietnam. Ordained at the age of sixteen, Thay was soon known as a wise and humble monk, with the heart of a poet.
In the 1960s, as the Vietnam War escalated, Thay chose the path of Engaged Buddhism—bringing the Dharma out of the temple and into society to ease suffering. In several interviews, Thay shared the spirit of his commitment, saying that when bombs are falling outside, one cannot simply stay inside chanting. One must act to save lives and build peace.
“If we are not able to smile, then the world will not have peace. It is not by going out for a demonstration against nuclear missiles that we can bring about peace. It is with our capacity of smiling, breathing, and being peace that we can make peace.”
— From “Being Peace” (1987), Thich Nhat Hanh
That very spirit brought Thay to the United States, where he lived and taught at Union Theological Seminary and Columbia University. During the 1960s, Thay resided in a modest home at 306 West 109th Street, a quiet corner amidst the bustling city of New York. There, he was both a scholar and a messenger of peace, tirelessly advocating for an end to the Vietnam War.
Thay’s relentless peace efforts touched the hearts of politicians, scholars, and young Americans alike. His voice reached all the way to the White House. In 1967, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. officially nominated Thay for the Nobel Peace Prize, calling him “an apostle of peace and nonviolence.”
Plum Village – Planting Seeds of Peace
After years of peace activism, Thay settled in the countryside of Plum Village, France, to plant seeds of peace for humankind. Plum Village grew to become a world-renowned mindfulness practice center, where tens of thousands from all walks of life and faiths came to learn mindful breathing.
Thay taught: “We walk not to arrive, but to enjoy each step along the way.”
His teachings were simple, ordinary, yet profoundly touched millions of hearts. Books such as “The Miracle of Mindfulness”, “Peace Is Every Step”, and “Anger” became beloved companions for countless readers around the world.
But Thay did not stop there. He brought mindfulness into schools, hospitals, prisons, and even major leadership centers. His teachings gained deep respect and wide application among scientists, psychologists, and business leaders throughout the West.
Recognition by Icons of Western Knowledge
In 2023, Harvard University—one of America’s most prestigious institutions—established the Thich Nhat Hanh Center for Mindfulness in Public Health. It was the first time in history that a Vietnamese Zen Master’s name was honored in such a revered academic space.
Professor Howard Koh, Director of the Center, shared:
“Thich Nhat Hanh is a symbol of mindfulness and compassion. This center will continue his legacy in serving global public health.”
And now, New York City—the very place that once witnessed Thay’s footsteps—has chosen to name West 109th Street “Thich Nhat Hanh Way”. This is a historic and meaningful event, not only for the Vietnamese community but also for millions worldwide who have been touched by Thay’s teachings.
The dedication ceremony will take place on Friday, April 11, 2025, from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM (New York time) at the corner of West 109th Street and Broadway, New York City—the very place where Thay once lived, taught, and devoted himself to peace.