1808 view

Thoroughly Investigate, Analyse and Test The Dharma, Through Study, Contemplation and Practise

Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams



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“The Buddha recommends, invites and encourages all who are interested to thoroughly investigate, analyse and test the Dharma teachings. Just as a goldsmith tests for real gold. Not to just believe in them with blind faith.

He then advises us to wholeheartedly put them into practise and to work diligently towards realising the result of the Dharma path, enlightenment.

If we do as he recommends, we will realise that his teachings are very clear and that they make perfect sense. That they are perfectly logical when tested with critical analysis and that they are in accord with modern scientific findings. In more than 2,600 years they have never been proven wrong.

Take for instance the Buddhist belief in the Law of Karma, which is a view that has been checked and analysed by many great practitioners and realised masters. Conviction in its validity is gained through logical reasoning. It should not simply be followed blindly.

Any action of body, speech, or mind, places an imprint, an ‘energy potential’ or ‘seed’ in the mind. Mental seeds are planted through your awareness of what you do, say or think. The imprints of these actions are left on the mind stream and carried on moment by moment, the present moment of mind coming from the previous moment of mind.

When the necessary supporting conditions are in place, this imprint, or latent potency, manifests as perceptions or experiences of happiness or suffering. We can liken this to a biological seed, which ripens when the contributing causes and conditions of water, soil, sun, and the like are gathered together.

May we all realise the foundation, path and result of the path, and swiftly attain unsurpassed supreme enlightenment.

Please enjoy the following quotes about the Buddha Dharma from Albert Einstein:

– ‘Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind.’

– ‘Buddhism requires no revision to keep it up-to-date with recent scientific finding.’

– ‘Buddhism does not need to surrender its views to science, because it embraces science as well as goes beyond science.’

– ‘The religion of the future will be a cosmic religion. It should transcend personal gods, and avoid dogma and theology. Covering both the natural and the spiritual, it should be based on a religious sense arising from the experience of all things, natural and spiritual, as a meaningful unity. Buddhism answers this description.’

– ‘If there is any religion that could cope with modern scientific needs, it would be Buddhism.’

And the following quote from historian, Arnold Toynbee:

– ‘The coming of Buddhism to the west may well prove to be the most important event of the 20th century.’

May these words be in some way helpful and beneficial to all sentient beings.

May you be inspired to study, practise and share the Buddha Dharma to the best of your ability.

May the Buddha Dharma flourish throughout infinite space.

May all sentient beings attain unsurpassed supreme enlightenment as swiftly as possible.”

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~Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams~


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