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Discourse on Teaching the Practice of Spreading Loving-kindness & Compassion Daily to All Directions

Compiled by Ven. Thích Trừng Sỹ

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma SamBuddhassa

(3 times)

Respectfully pay homage to the Buddha: the World-Honored One, the Worthy One, the Exalted One, the Fully Awakened and Enlightened One. (Bell) 


(Metta & Pubbaṇha Sutta)

May I be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May I be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May I take care of myself happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the eastern direction be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the western direction be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the southern direction be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the northern direction be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the southeast direction be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the southwest direction be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the northeast direction be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the northwest direction be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the direction above be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the direction below be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the left side be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in the right side be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings in front of me be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings behind me be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings around me be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings who love me be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings who hate me be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings who are friendly to me be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly.

May all beings who are unfriendly to me be safe, well, happy, and peaceful.

May they be free from enmity, disease, grief, and suffering.

May they take care of themselves happily, freely, and calmly. (Bell)

May I be free from enmity to anyone, neither physical suffering nor mental suffering, keep the body and mind always peaceful.

May my parents and siblings be free from enmity to one another, neither physical suffering nor mental suffering, keep the body and mind always peaceful.

May my children be free from enmity to one another, neither physical suffering nor mental suffering, keep the body and mind always peaceful.

May my relatives and lineages be free from enmity to one another, neither physical suffering nor mental suffering, keep the body and mind always peaceful.

May my Patriarchs, Teachers, sisters, and brothers in the Dharma be free from enmity to one another, neither physical suffering nor mental suffering, keep the body and mind always peaceful.

May my disciples be free from enmity to one another, neither physical suffering nor mental suffering, keep the body and mind always peaceful.

May my friends and intellectuals be free from enmity to one another, neither physical suffering nor mental suffering, keep the body and mind always peaceful.

May all donors and givers be free from enmity to one another, neither physical suffering nor mental suffering, keep the body and mind always peaceful.

May living things and living beings all over the planet be free from enmity to one another, neither physical suffering nor mental suffering, keep the body and mind always peaceful.

Namo The Original Master Sakyamuni Buddhaya.

(3 times, Bell)

Note: Please read more Metta Sutta & Pubbaṇha Sutta


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