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Be Intelligent, Harmonious, United to Build Human Love, Native Land, and Nation

Thích Trừng Sỹ

As we know in demonstrations there are always filled with mental formations of trouble, upset, protest, opposition, even violence, and hatred. When the demonstrations happen is to protest not clear policies yet or unclear policies of nepotism and of harsh and dictatorial regime.

As less intelligent people or unintelligent people, when going to the streets and demonstrating, the disturbance, disorder, and violence regularly go together with them. Finally our side hit ourselves. Our side is arrested, confined, tortured, imprisoned, etc., while our property, economy, vehicles, etc., are damaged. Outside when people have a chance to look at this and know it, they clap their hands and think that we lack and lose solidarity, harmony, will, and courage to protect the nation and the people.

As intelligent people, when going to the streets and demonstrating, the moderation, politeness, kindness, and non-violence frequently go together with them. We should think there is not as happiness as blood-relation, sister/brotherhood, native land, and nation. At that time, outside people look at this, they think and understand that we have the spirits of great loving-kindness, great compassion, great power, great wisdom, and great bravery to know to be united, harmonious, and peaceful to help to bring peaceful joy and happiness to the many all over this planet.  

As wise people, depending on hot news and information, we need to practice deep listening, acknowledgement, recognizance, harmony, reconciliation, correctness, amendment, dialogue, suggestion, and contribution. From practicing this well and successfully, we can transform enemies into friends, violence into peaceful joy, happiness, and peace. Let us think together the protection of the people is upmost, that of the nation is topmost, harmony and union are upmost, the development of culture, economy, ethics, wisdom, education, society, community, etc., is topmost.  

We are aware that the violence is suffering, hatred is suffering, disturbance is suffering, arrestment is suffering, less intelligence is suffering, invasion is suffering, fight is suffering, so on and so forth. Vice versa, we are aware that peace is happiness, peaceful joy is happiness, harmony is harmony, solidarity is happiness, non-violence is happiness, sister/brotherhood is happiness, etc. No one wants their native land and people to be suffered and unhappy. Conversely, everyone wants their families, native land, people to be peaceful and happy. 

Through what is presented and discussed above, when understanding and practicing so, we are peaceful, our loved ones and relatives get peaceful, our native land gets happy, our country can become the nation of peace and prosperity going abreast of the other countries in the world. 

Today, on occasion of the Vesak Season as well as the Summer Retreat in 2018, taking refuge in the Dharma learning and Dharma practice of the Buddhadharma, we lift up our sincere and sharing words in the process of our cultivation.

May you all be well, happy, peaceful, healthy in the Dharma so that we may build the native land and nation of strength, peace, prosperity, peaceful joy, and happiness right here and right now in the present life.

Namo the Original Master Shakyamuni Buddhaya


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