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Brief Introduction about Website & Pháp Nhãn Temple

Pháp Nhãn Temple

Namo The Original Master Sakyamuni Buddhaya

Dear Buddhist Monks/ Nuns, and Lay People

Dear Good Friends and Intellectuals far and near,

Buddhism, the path of peace, awakening, and enlightenment, has been present in the world for over 26 centuries. Lord Sakyamuni Buddha, Founder of Buddhism, along with his disciples, anciently as well as presently, all have the same hearts of wish and vow to propagate the Dharma and to serve humanity.

To learn their altruistic conducts and actions, we vow to lead our lives of morality and awareness, stableness and calmness, vow to light up the torch of the Dharma, vow to light up that of love, and vow to travel on the path of authentically peaceful joy and happiness to ourselves and to other people right in the present life.

To continue to inherit, follow, and transmit their significant and topmost actions, with today’s media and network communication, the Editorial Board has the good fortune to establish this Website to jointly contribute to bringing peace, joy, and happiness to the many on this planet.

The word Pháp Nhãn, whose Pàli is Dhammacakhu, founded in the Connected Discourses of the Buddha (Samyutta Nikaya, V – 420), the Sutta of Setting the  Wheel in Motion (Cakkappavattana Sutta) – the First Sermon preached by the Buddha to five Brothers of the Elder Aññakoṇḍañña in Deer Park – Sarnath, India.

In this First Sermon, thanks to deeply listening to and practicing the wonderful Dharma, they became the Monastic disciples of the Buddha – the surpassingly spiritual Master of gods and human beings. They are the five Monastic disciples who appeared in the world. The Three Jewels consist of the Buddha Jewel, the Dharma Jewel, and the Sangha Jewel formed there.

In Vietnamese – Chinese language, Pháp Nhãn has the two separate words; Pháp means the Dharma (Sanskrit), namely the Buddha’s teachings; Nhãn (Cakkhu) means eye/s. Thus, Pháp Nhãn (Dharmacakkhu) means the eye of the Right Dharma. This eye not only has the authentic vision of Right View, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness, and Right Concentration, but also has the ability to contemplate the truth of suffering, the truth of the origin of suffering, the truth of the cessation of suffering, and the truth of the path leading to the cessation of suffering. The word Pháp nhãn or Dharmacakkhu has very close relations with the Buddha Eye and the Sangha Eye.

The Buddha Eye (Buddhacakkhu) means the eye of the Awakened and Enlightened One with the ability to look deeply at the aspects of loving-kindness, compassion, wisdom, peace, and equality.

The Sangha Eye (Sanghacakkhu) that means the eye of the many consists of four or more people with the ability to see the aspects of purification, harmony, solidarity, virtue, exemplarity, creation, taking refuge, elucidation, support, and encouragement in the spirits of interdependence, mutual affection, mutual love, and mutual respect. The collective eyes have ever seen more clearly than the individual eyes have.

Thus, the Buddha Eye, the Dharma Eye, the Sangha Eye have very close relationships with one another. One is three, and three is one. One is all, and all is one. They can form a closed circle of very close mutuality. On the route of cultivating, learning the Buddhadhamma, leading to upper and to good directions, leading to peaceful joy and happiness, solidness and freeness, we have the ability to practice and apply the Buddha Eye, the Dhamma Eye, and the Sangha Eye into our daily lives to benefit the many.

Thus, the Dharma eye is both named for this website and the Temple; the Sanskrit of the Temple is Vihara, meaning a place to learn and practice the Buddhadharma and train the virtuous and talented people. Pháp Nhãn Temple also does not go beyond those meanings.

Those who have enough good conditions to learn, practice, and apply the Buddhadharma into their daily lives have the potentials to bring peacefulness and happiness to themselves and to other people right here and right now in the present life.

Through the above-presented things, this website would like to introduce you all about the Pháp Nhãn Temple, about Venerable Master Thích Trừng Sỹ, about his writings as well as other people’s writings.

All articles posted on this Website only carry and convey the contents, meanings of cultivation, learning, education, Dharma propagation, Dharma protection, and Buddhadharma.

With the above-discussed meanings, the Editorial Board keeps using the title of Dharma eye originated from the Buddha’s time to name the Pháp Nhãn Temple. This Temple has an area larger than 2 and a half acres located from Austin airport, Texas about 8.5 miles at the address 136 The Ranch Road, Del Valle, TX 78617.

With the wholesome vow hearts and following the example of supporting the Triple Gem of benefactor Anāthapindika and benefactress Viśākhā, the devout Buddhists express their good hearts to buy this land for the Venerable Thích Trừng Sỹ to make the Temple and the place of cultivation, learning, and practice of the Buddhadhamma for Buddhists and non-Buddhists near and far.      

At present, the Pháp Nhãn Temple operates gently and smoothly, but the material facilities are still simple and needy. However, under Venerable Thầy Trừng Sỹ’s wholehearted instructions, devotees can reap a lot of peaceful joy and happiness by understanding, applying, and practicing the Buddhadhamma in their daily lives to bring benefits to the many right in the present life. The title of this Temple founded by Thầy is founded first in the history of the names of the Temples in the world.

Here, the Editorial Board would like to introduce this website phapnhan.org including English and Vietnamese for you near and far to jointly study and apply the Buddhadharma into your daily life to benefit the many right in the present life.

Along with propagating the Dharma in the modern age, the Pháp Nhãn Temple would like to make a small contribution to this work to bring joy, peace, and happiness to oneself and to others all over the planet.

In the process of uploading, writing, arranging, and presenting articles simply and straightforwardly, the Editorial Board cannot avoid shortcomings.

We hope that the Venerable, the scholars, and the practitioners will be happy to teach and show us this.

Finally, our deep gratitude to the benefactors, sponsors, devout Buddhists, etc., all together, has contributed to setting the Dharma Wheel of the World-Honored One in motion throughout the world.

May you all be filled with peace, joy, and happiness in the Dharma.

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