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Discourse On Teaching The 10 Virtuous Things To A King/ A Leader

Ven. Thích Trừng Sỹ


Ekottarãgama Sutra / Chapter Ten Dharmas /

No. 46. The virtuous Quality / Sutra No. 7

Thus have I heard. On the occasion, the World-Honored One was staying at the Jetavana Monastery donated by his chief male lay businessman Sudatta Anathapindika and Jeta prince. On a beautiful day, the World-Honored One gathered his disciples and taught the ten non-virtuous things the king needs to avoid:

Firstly, when meeting something dissatisfied or discontented happens, a king or a leader suddenly gets angry and raged, does not investigate and understand the origin of it, the anger and rage will burn himself, other people, and surrounding environments. Therefore, his/her trust and prestige toward the people will be reduced. Her/ his country’s prosperity and wealth will not last long.

Secondly, a king or leader who arouses his/her greedy mind to lust for property and profits leading him to corruption makes use of the authority to usurp collective assets into individual ones and is not interested in his/her national affairs and people. Therefore, his/ her trust and prestige toward the people will be reduced. Her / his country’s prosperity and wealth will not last long.

Thirdly, a king or leader who is a dictator has many doubts, does not have compassion and insight, and refuses to absorb and listen to the good opinions of talented and virtuous people in the country. Therefore, his/ her trust and prestige toward the people will be reduced. Her / his country’s prosperity and wealth will not last long.

Fourthly, a king or leader who unjustly judges good people imprisons them arbitrarily and illegally, suppresses the country’s gentle and talented people, without fairness and justice. Therefore, his/ her trust and prestige toward the people will be reduced. Her / his country’s prosperity and wealth will not last long.

Fifthly, a king or leader prefers to recruit those who flatter are dishonest, greedy, incompetent, lack talent, virtue, wisdom, cultivation, and lack administrative-legal qualifications, on the contrary, talented people and intellectuals are dismissed and excluded. Therefore, his/ her trust and prestige toward the people will be reduced. Her / his country’s prosperity and wealth will not last long.

Sixthly, a king or leader who is passionate about sexual desire indulges in sensual pleasure, eats, plays depravity and debauchery, lives, and robs other people’s spouses. Therefore, his/ her trust and prestige toward the people will be reduced. Her / his country’s prosperity and wealth will not last long.

Seventhly, a king or leader who prefers to use intoxicants is frequently drunk and addicted. Her/ his mind and spirit, which are overshadowed, are not wise enough to take care of the people and of the country. Therefore, his/ her trust and prestige toward the people will be reduced. Her / his country’s prosperity and wealth will not last long.

Eighthly, a king or leader prefers to organize too many and too big music festivals, parties, and gifts that are given back and forth lead to corruption, and cause a deficit of the national treasury. Therefore, his/ her trust and prestige toward the people will be reduced. Her / his country’s prosperity and wealth will not last long.

Ninthly, a king or leader who plays the debauched things, such as bars, pubs, gambling, and prostitution brings many diseases for himself/ herself and for other people, and cannot run and govern the country. Therefore, his/ her trust and prestige toward the people will be reduced. Her / his country’s prosperity and wealth will not last long.

Tenthly, a king or a leader who does not know to use talented and virtuous people does not believe in those with loyal hearts to the country, does not have a good adviser and a professional assistant, and herself or himself manages the national work ineffectively. Therefore, his/ her trust and prestige toward the people will be reduced. Her / his country’s prosperity and wealth will not last long.

Dear disciples, through what the Tathagata has taught, as good country leaders and managers, the kings should stay away from the ten illegal things mentioned above. After listening to the Buddha’s teachings, the disciples obeyed the Buddha’s teachings, jointly practice, and spread this sutra to benefit living beings.

Namo The Original Master Sakyamuni Buddhaya

By Ven. Thích Trừng Sỹ


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