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Good Poems in this year’s Summer Retreat Season

Ven. Thích Trừng Sỹ

Good Poems in this year’s Summer Retreat Season

In Vassa Vassa, Summer Retreat for the first day
We chant and pay homage to the Buddha wholeheartedly
Sow and plant the merit monthly and yearly
Defilements are transformed and slept implicitly in us.
Chanting and paying homage to the Buddha in the afternoon
The monks and nuns regularly practice the Dharma happily
Now blessing and virtue ripen
to be a strong refuge for all devotees.
We wish you all full of peace and joy in the Buddha Dharma.
Everyday, we practice the Dharma together
Building the long-lasting Dharma friends
Compassion and wisdom are revealed
Bringing benefits of months and days peacefully.
Every day, we apply a Dharma poem
Diligently practice it every hour
Compassion and wisdom are always awakened
To build siblinghood every morning and afternoon.
Diligently learn and practice the Dharma all times
Wisdom and merit illuminate the body and mind
To eliminate the hidden afflictions
Being the Buddha’s children is worthy of full honor.
Every day, we practice the Buddha’s teachings
To build the long-lasting Dharma friends
Loving-kindness and compassion are marvelous
To bring welfare and well-being very quickly
To benefit oneself and other people perfectly.
Sitting meditation, bowing deeply to the Buddha, and chanting the Sutras
The light of wisdom invents life
The body and mind practice the Dharma wonderfully
To bring happiness more brightly than before.
This morning my hair was shaved
I clearly understand impermanence
Human life is an illusion
Let us go on the same river.
Today there are Venerable Monastic people
Proving and witnessing the short-term Ceremony
Dharma cultivation is to transform defilements
To wholeheartedly protect the Dharma alternately.
Maintain strong confidence in the Three Jewels
Sow and plant the long-lasting blessing and virtue
My mind now sees the Dharma
The Buddha’s teachings are practical and wonderful.
Dharma Center chanting stately
Monks and Nuns from everywhere come here
Compassion and wisdom are revealed
Be diligent and make effort have peaceful days and months.
Dharma Center practices the Dharma stately
The two rows of monastic and lay Buddhists improve Dharma cultivation
Diligently make great effort meticulously
To step onto the shore of enlightenment is to get rid of the sense faculties.
Sutras and Mantras chanting resounds loudly
The sounds of the true Dharma are steadfast right here
Be diligent to make monthly and daily effort
To bring happiness that reveals the true heart.
Today, Summer Retreat at Cổ Lâm Temple
We the Buddhists make offerings to the Monastic Sangha
Now Venerable Masters coming from everywhere
are happy to receive the countless love.
Today we the Buddhists develop the wholehearted minds
Making offerings to monastic people from everywhere
We pray that the honored Venerable Ones are in the present at Cổ Lâm Temple
To receive the offerings, blessings are immediately bestowed upon them.
Morning, sitting meditation, reciting the Buddha’s names
Nourishing Buddha nature with compassion heart
Monastic and lay Buddhists at Cổ Lâm Temple
Loving-kindness, compassion, and wisdom sprout
Cultivating monthly and yearly virtue
Transforming defilements are implicitly slept in the mind.
Sutras chanting is like the sound of sea waves
Monastic and lay Buddhists are daily and monthly diligently
Cultivation is to transform difficulties
To cultivate good blessings full of peace and joy.
Morning, sitting meditation and reciting the Buddha’s names
Monastic Sangha is chanting and reciting the Dharma diligently
To transform defilements together
Wholeheartedly practice the Buddha’s teachings all over region peacefully.
Sutras chanting and bowing deeply to the Buddha this morning
The Maha Sangha practices the Buddha Dharma regularly daily
Maintaining the Noble Triple Gem with the supreme mind
Doing good and avoiding evil to benefit people from everywhere.
Evening, we practice meditation diligently
Listening to the wonderful Dharma from the compassion mind
Maintaining mindful breathing
There are so many miracles displayed.
The days of Dharma practice are right here
We express the deep gratitude to the Masters
Sincerely guiding us very thoughtfully
How beautiful it is to be a strong refuge for all.
The Monks and Nuns has just finished Summer Retreat today
Thank you, the Buddhists, in this place
Always bring your devout minds to protect the Three Jewels
Do good and avoid evil to benefit people from everywhere.
The days of Dharma practice are right here
We express the deep gratitude to the Masters
Sincerely guiding us very thoughtfully
How beautiful it is to be a strong refuge for all.
The Monks and Nuns has just finished Summer Retreat today
Dharma learning and Dharma practice achieve immediately
Paying sincere respects to the Buddhists always protecting the Dharma
The body and mind of peace and joy are right in this place.

The days of Summer Retreat pass so quickly
But our minds are so peaceful
The monastic and lay Buddhists are always mindful
We apply the Dharma with sincere hearts.
This morning is so solemn
The Maha Sangha is alternately chanting the Sutras very meditatively
To maintain right mindfulness in consciousness
The body and mind of freedom are at peace.
This morning is very happy
The Maha Sangha races to smile
Dharma learning and Dharma practice are always nourishing
Building siblinghood in the Dharma is so brightly.
Just finished walking meditation and reciting the Buddha’s names
We the Buddhists wholeheartedly pay our respects to the Three Jewels
Sincerely and zealously look forward to them
Dharma practice is full of peace and joy.
Chanting and paying homage to the Buddha in this afternoon
We practice the Buddha’s teachings regularly daily
Protecting the Triple Gem is our duties
Building the siblinghood in the Dharma right in this place.
This morning, Bhikkhunis – Buddhist Nuns guide the Sutras clearly
The sound of chanting and reciting shimmers all over the Buddha Hall
Diligently cultivate the Dharma throughout the four seasons
As the rain of the Dharma freshens all living things and living beings.
Cổ Lâm Temple has a Buddha statue of Nirvana
Two rows of the monastic and lay Buddhists welcome the Buddha
Diligently enlighten yourself
Be the exemplary teachers for sentient beings to rely on you.
Now is the dream moment
Let us practice the Dharma together to pay homage to the World-Honored Master.
Walking meditation going up to the Buddha statue of Nirvana
Two rows of the monastic and lay Buddhists offer the Buddha respectfully
Forward the Three Jewels countlessly
Pay wholehearted respects to the World-Honored One whose blessings given to all.
Tonight, there is a tea meditation.
That is the result of the gift of Summer Retreat.
Monastic and lay Buddhists work together
diligently to transform the body and mind gently
Building the Dharma friends all year long
Wholeheartedly protecting the Dharma is more peacefully than before.
One night living at Hoa Nghiêm Temple
Monastic practitioners from everywhere coming here
Now making great effort right here
Together follow the Dharma on the way of the World-Honored One
Respectfully wish the Most Venerable Elder Masters
Maintaining and developing the method Dharma to practice
Enlightenment is truly amazing
Forwarding up to the shore of enlightenment with peaceful loving-kindness and compassion.
Life needs to remember gratitude:
Be grateful to the Three Jewels, to Teachers, Mother, and Father
Be grateful to almsgivers and benefactors
Be grateful to a peaceful national society
Be grateful to fellow sentient beings
Always repay the kindness of all beings.
For the first day in Vassa Vassa Summer Retreat at Cổ Lâm Temple
Monastic people learn the Buddha’s teachings monthly and yearly regularly
Now Maha Sangha becomes more and more numerous
To gather together to practice the Dharma soon and early peacefully.


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