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Life and Meritorious Behaviors of the Most Venerable Elder Master Thích Chơn Thành

HT. Thích Chơn Thành

The Memorial Ceremony of the Late Most Venerable Elder Master Thích Minh Châu, Rector of Vạn Hạnh University Institute held at the Buddha Hall of Liên Hoa Temple in Garden Grove, California.


The Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành, who is a simple, harmonious, and lovely Monk, always opens a joyful smile, loved by the intellectuals, Japanese students, and Vietnamese and foreign communities very respectfully with beloved name: “Happy Monk.”

The Venerable Master, who was nurtured from the Japanese Zen Buddhist lineage, sublimates spiritual life. He has new era viewpoints leading to benefits for Buddhism and people.   

His secular name is Nguyễn Thứ, who was born on August 9, 1934 in Xuân Thọ Commune, Sông Cầu District, Phú Yên Province, Vietnam. His father is Mr. Nguyễn Thanh, his mother is Mrs. Võ Thị Đạt. He is the disciple of the Late Most Venerable Thero Thích Quảng Liên, the first Vietnamese Buddhist Monk to study abroad in the United States of America in 1956 with scholarships granted by the US. Department of State and the American Cultural Agency. 

Portrait of the Late Most Venerable Thero Thích Quảng Liên, Master of the Most Venerable Thích Chơn Thành.

His Dharma Master graduated from Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, Eastern United States with a Ph.D. in economics research, Southeast Asian culture in 1960.


In 1951, Vietnamese Buddhism has merged with World Buddhism. The Late Most Venerable Thero Thích Quảng Liên was represented by the Vietnamese Buddhist General Executive for the Vietnamese Buddhist Association to study at Colombo World Buddhist College and Kandy National University – Sri Lanka.   

In 1956, after graduating from the Bachelor, the Most Venerable Master Thích Quảng Liên returned to Phu Yen to visit his hometown. When auspicious conditions came, on this occasion, two disciples of the Venerable Master came to prostrate to take refuge in him and asked to be shaved their hair to be ordained as novice Monks with the Venerable Master Quảng Liên, who granted them the Dharma names: Chơn Thành and Chơn Định. After that, the Venerable Master led his disciples to the South of Vietnam and sent them to Ấn Quang Temple at 243 Sư Vạn Hạnh, District 10 (Chợ Lớn, Sài Gòn City) to study the Buddhadharma. The Venerable Master Quảng Liên received a scholarship awarded by the US. Cultural Agency and he graduated with a doctorate in Southeast Asian economic and cultural studies at Yale University, New Haven City, Connecticut, the U.S.A. in 1960.

Ấn Quang Temple at that time was the headquarters of the Church of the Southern Vietnamese Sangha, with the construction works of Patriarchal house floors, dining room, Sen Vàng printing house, Bodhi incense workshop, library, publishing house, Hương Đạo Publisher had just been built and the Buddha Hall had been renovated, the floors of the lecture hall and monastic houses had just been rebuilt. Thanks to the meritorious conduct of the Late Most Venerable Thich Thien Hoa, the virtuous, modest, and respectful Venerable Master, who dedicated his whole life to the Dharma and to the people, created the Temple, Stupa, helped human beings, and trained talented and virtuous people. Ấn Quang Root Temple is a cradle of training many Monastics through periods, contributing much wisdom to the Dharma propagation, building a strong Vietnamese Buddhist house in the twentieth and the twentieth-first.

In 1957, Master Chơn Thành was ordained as a Novice Monk at Ấn Quang Root Temple. A few years later, he was allowed to attend the Lưỡng Xuyên Buddhist Academy, where it was used to be a place of training many outstanding Monastics contributing to the revival of Vietnamese Buddhism as the Honored Venerable Elders consisted of the Late Most Venerable Monk Thích Hành Trụ, Monk Thích Thiện Hoa, Monk Thích Thiện Hòa, etc. After Lưỡng Xuyên Buddhist Academy, keeping studying Giác Sanh Buddhist Academy for three years, Master Chơn Thành returned to study and lived with his Master’s Most Venerable Master Thích Vĩnh Thọ, the abbot of Linh Sơn Trường Thọ Root Temple on Tà Cú Mountain founded by Hữu Đức Patriarch, the famous Monk coming from Phú Yên Province.     


After Senior Venerable Master Thích Quảng Liên graduated with a Ph.D. from the US. Yale University on August 4, 1960, he returned to Visit Vietnam. In Vietnam, along with him, there were Venerable Chơn Thành and Professor Richard A. Gard of this University visiting the Hải Đức Buddhist Academy in Nha Trang and learning about Vietnamese Buddhist organization. During this trip, the Venerable Chơn Thành was allowed to go together with his Master. After a week of staying at the Buddhist Institute, his Master asked Senior Venerable Monk Thích Trí Thủ, who was in charge of the Institute, agreed with the Venerable Chơn Thành to join the Sangha to study the Buddhadharma there around 2 years. The Executive Boards that administer the Institute at that time includes:

1.Rector:          The Most Venerable Master Thích Huyền Tôn

2.Vice Rector:  Senior Venerable Master Thích Trí Quang

3.Supervisor:   Senior Venerable Master Thích Trí Thủ

4.Chief Dharma Teacher: Senior Venerable Master Thích Thiện Siêu

5. Treasurer General: Senior Venerable Master Thích Thiện Minh

6. Secretary-General: Senior Venerable Master Thích Huyền Quang

In 1962, the Venerable Monk Chơn Thành turned back to the Southern Buddhist Institute, Ấn Quang Root Temple in Chợ Lớn, Sài Gòn City.

In 1963, he joined the movement of the struggle of Buddhism to demand religious equality and be against the dictatorship of nepotism of the Ngo family. In 1964, he was ordained as a Bhikkhu on Great Precepts Transmission Ceremony of Quảng Đức held for the first time at Vietnam National Buddhist Temple by the Unified Vietnamese Buddhist Congregation. On this Ceremony, the elected Sangha King, the Elder Master Thích Tịnh Khiết made the Most Venerable Head Monk. The Elder Master Thích Trí Tịnh made the Most Venerable Preceptor of Virtuous Paragon. The Elder Master Thích Thiện Hòa made the Most Venerable Ācārya Preceptor.

From 1966 to 1969, the Venerable Chơn Thành studied the Faculty of Literature and Humanities Science at Van Hanh University Institute, Saigon. He graduated with a B.A. in Philosophy. At that time, relying on a few statements of predecessors, he was aware of setting up the Bodhisattva vows to go into life to help sentient beings. He said by the poem: 

“I am a messenger of Tathagata

Vowing his whole life to dedicate the Three Jewels

Serving beings means make offerings to Buddhas

Where sentient beings invite me, I will come there

Where the Dharma needs me, I will go there

Regardless of hardships and adversities.”

Namo the Original Master Sakyamuni Buddhaya.


When being a Monk student, Venerable Chơn Thành was studying the Southern Buddhist Institute at Ấn Quang Root Temple. At that time, the Most Venerable Master Thích Thiện Hoa went to attend the World Buddhist Conference in Japan, the Venerable Master told the Monastic students about the progress and development of Japanese Buddhism. After the Venerable Master’s words and after reading the article written by Mr. Chánh Trí Mai Thọ Truyền about fifteen days of visiting Japan, Venerable Chơn Thành realized These are important factors motivating him to study abroad in Japan. 


Venerable Chơn Thành’s wishes were well accomplished. On April 3, 1970, he went to Japan to study Japanese at Kokusai School in Tokyo. In Japanese, Tokyo means “the Capital in the East.” Đông Kinh culture absorbed the essence of Korean, Chinese, and Indian Buddhist literature, but the Japanese knew how to select appropriate things for their people. In 587, Buddhism was officially recognized in Japan. Prince Shotoku proclaimed the Constitution of 17 articles, in the second article saying: “Steeping in confidence in the Three Jewels, taking refuge in the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha. Abandoning the evil mind, absolutely obeying the Buddhist teachings.”  

After the time of studying Japanese, Venerable Chơn Thành passed and officially became a student of Risshò University in Tokyo, Japan. Risshò University is a large Japanese University with 15 University Faculties and 7 post-graduate Faculties, including Buddhist Studies Faculty and Nichiren Buddhist Faculty founded by his Holiness the Nichiren Master in 1222 –1282.

The Nichiren Master is a saint who specializes in teaching Lotus Sūtra (S. Saddharma Puṇḍarīka Sūtra). His disciples daily specialized in maintaining the titles of the Lotus of Sutra name: “Nam-mô Diệu Pháp Liên Hoa Kinh – Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō -南無妙法蓮華経.” This is similar to the practitioners practicing the Pure Land Method, specializing in maintaining the titles of Amitabha Buddha.

The University gate with four pillars made of stones is very simple but very artistic. On both ends of the main gates which are engraved lion shapes simulate stone pillars of King Ashoka’s periods in India. On these stones that are engraved a peace message symbolize the School’s educational foundation with three main contents as follows:

1.   Find the truth, raise high up the sincere heart (真実を求め至誠を捧げよう).

2.   Glorify the good deeds, abandon the evil ones (正義を尊び邪悪を除こう).

3.   Pray for peace, serve human life (和平を願い人類に尽そう).

Venerable Khải Thiên’s picture was taken at the gate of Risshò University, Japan.

The contemporary Dharma friends studied together with Venerable Chơn Thành including Venerable Master Thích Minh Tâm, Venerable Master Thích Nguyên Đạt, Venerable Master Thích Trí Hiền, Mr. Lâm Như Tạng, etc. At present, Master Thích Minh Tâm at Khánh Anh Temple in France and Master Thích Trí Hiền at Pháp Quang Temple in Dallas, Texas, both passed away and went to the Buddha’s realm. From 1975 onwards, because of the difficult situation of the country, Venerable Chơn Thành no longer received funding from his homeland Vietnam. During his studies at Risshò University in Japan for 3 years, he had to go to school and work part-time to earn money to pay for University tuition of about $30,000.00 a year. He did not care about hard work and once had to deliver each bowl of noodles for everyone to get money to pay for school fees. 

There were times when he was not used to driving a bicycle with one hand, his other hand was holding a bowl of noodles, but unlucky, the bowl of noodles was dropped, the wages of that day seemed to be lost, he had no money at all. He used to do a restaurant and to stand in line waiting for someone to hire him to work or carry something heavy to earn money to pay tuition. When speaking of this, the writer feels very touched with those who are studying abroad. 

Although he both went to school and work to earn money to pay tuition, the substance of his cultivation and self-will was always cultivated and nurtured strongly in his study and practice abroad years. It was this time that helped him to have extraordinary energy and deep thinking about the nature of life and the way of Dharma practice. From that time until now, he always sympathizes and understands students with difficult circumstances in the country as well as abroad. Whenever there is a good occasion, young monastics visit his Temple, he always encourages and upholds them to keep their initial Bodhi minds. When their Bodhi minds develop, all difficulties, obstacles, and challenges will be controlled and overcome. In his study time in Japan, although he was busy doing many tasks, his daily cultivation such as Meditation practice, Great Compassion Mantra practice, he always applied it into his daily life to benefit the body and mind. At that time, his hobby was to write the Sacred Compassion Book by hand in Japan.

From 1970 to 1973. Venerable Chơn Thành held the position of Deputy Minister of the Unified Vietnamese Buddhist Church in Japan. Every month or every two months, monastics in the Executive Board had a meeting once. Vietnamese Buddhist Ministry in Japan decided to create a Buddhist journal, initially published once a month in Vietnamese and Japanese.

From 1973 to 1975, Venerable Minh Tâm made the Deputy Minister, Venerable Chơn Thành made the Chief Minister, and Mr. Lâm Như Tạng held the position of the Secretary-General of the Vietnamese Buddhist Ministry in Tokyo, Japan.

Due to the influence of foreign ideologies, the wars between the South and the North of Vietnam escalated fiercely. The country and people of Vietnam became misled, hungry, suffered, and backward.

At that time, Vietnamese Monks and Nuns studying in Japan actively participated in fighting nonviolence for peace and protecting the ideals of freedom and democracy for Vietnamese people. They lobbied Japanese officials, participating in hunger strikes, conferences in Kyoto, and mobilized to aid victims of war, orphans, and widows. 

In March 1975, Venerable Chơn Thành made a Chairman of the Committee advocate for relief of victims of the Vietnam war.

At 7:30 p.m. on October 6, 1975, NHK television station of the Japanese government showed a feature film about the life of the “Vietnamese Monk” (Betonamu No Obosau). His name has been known everywhere by Dai Cheng in Japan.

In 1978, Venerable Chơn Thành, one of the leaders of the movements of fighting for religious freedom and human rights for Vietnam, had many hunger strikes. In 1981, he attended International University with meaningful papers. In 1983, for the first time, he officially visited the United States of America. On March 1, 1984, he visited China at the invitation of the Beijing Government.


In 1985, receiving the invitation and approval of the US. President Ronald Reagan, the Most Venerable Master Chơn Thành officially settled in the United States of America. In his first years, he stayed at Phật Tổ Temple founded by the Late Most Venerable Thích Thiện Thanh in Long Beach City, California State.

In 1987, he founded Liên Hoa Temple and made the Abbot until 1995, the Liên Hoa Temple was built completely in Garden Grove, California.

In 1998, the Most Venerable Master Chơn Thành went to the Precepts transmitting Ceremony on the Great Precepts Transmission Ceremony of Hương Sơn at Pháp Bảo Temple, founded by the Most Venerable Master Thích Bảo Lạc in Sydney, Australia. In this Ceremony, the Elder Master Thích Như Huệ was invited to the position of the Most Venerable Head Monk, the Elder Master Thích Minh Tâm was invited to the position of the Most Venerable Karmadana Master, and the Elder Master Thích Chơn Thành was invited to the position of the Most Venerable Ācārya Preceptor. At that time, Venerable Thích Quảng Ba, Venerable Thích Phước Nhơn, Venerable Thích Minh Trí, and Venerable Thích Bổn Điền An Thien were ordained as the Senior Venerable Ranks under the proof and guidance of the Most Venerable Elder Masters. 

On the left side is the Most Venerable Thero Thích Minh Tâm, on the middle side is the Most Venerable Thero Thích Như Huệ, and on the right side is the Most Venerable Thero Thích Chơn Thành.

The Late Most Venerable Thero Thích Quảng Liên

In 2000, when having enough wholesome conditions, the Most Venerable Thero Thích Quảng Liên, Master of the Most Venerable Monk Thích Chơn Thành, visited Liên Hoa Temple in Garden Grove, California. 

The Most Venerable Thero Thích Chơn Thành was Deputy Sangha President of Inter-Sects Church of Vietnamese Buddhism in the United States of America.

In 2008, he was a member of the Council of Elders of the Sangha President Institute of the Unified Vietnamese Buddhist Church.

In 2012, World Vietnamese Buddhist Order held the 10th General Congress at Viên Quang Monastery. In this Congress, the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành was selected as the Deputy President Elder. From 2015 onwards, Liên Hoa Temple where he has been the Abbot becomes an Office of the Leadership Council of the World Vietnamese Buddhist Order. He composed many bulletins for Congress. At present, he is one of the Supreme Leaders in the Dignitaries Council of Vietnamese Buddhism in the United States of America.


Advocating and implementing the compassion broadcast radio, on the frequency 1480 AM from 8:30 to 9:00 PM every Monday evening and on the frequency 1190 AM from 8:30 to 9:00 PM every Wednesday evening. From April 2000, another program was added, “the Voice of Compassion” used two English and Vietnamese languages so that young people could hear the Dharma program on Saturday from 8:00 PM to 8:30 PM on the frequency 1190 AM controlled by the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành, Senior Venerable Monk Thích Nhật Minh, along with Mr. Kusala, Bodhi, Mr. Trí Tuệ, Quảng Tâm, Đào Hữu Hòa, Professor Monez Blades, Adam Austin, Shawn Marie Turi, John Turi, Minh Đức Hoài Trinh, Nguyễn Quảng, Julie, Mr. Sandi Mutroom, etc.


–  Charity Center of the Buddhist Society in Southern California organized many series of financial donations and materials to relieve victims of natural disasters in Vietnam, Southeast Asia, America. In this Charity Center, the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành held the role of Chairman of the Administrative Council. The Most Venerable Master Thích Quảng Thanh made the Director of Executive Council. Senior Venerable Nun Diệu Từ acted as deputy internal affairs. Mr. Cao Tấn Nhựt acted as deputy foreign affairs. Mr. Đào Hữu Hạnh acted as General Secretary. At that time, Senior Venerable Thích Viên Lý, Senior Venerable Thích Minh Mẫn, Quảng Trí Châu, Attorney Nguyễn Trọng Nho, and Elder Brother Tâm Hòa – Lê Quang Dật, etc., were the collaborators of this Center. 

Besides the above Buddhist tasks, the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành also served as the chairman of Truc Lam Magazine in Santa Ana, California, the United States of America. This magazine has published many different numbers. Its contents are diversified and rich.

His published works consist of:

Sacred Goodness Book – Peace of heavenly Path

Sacred good World Book – Peace of heavenly Path

Sacred good Virtue Book – Peace of heavenly Path

Sacred Wide Horizon Book – Peace of Heavenly Path

His work in progress:

Ten Feet – Poetry Collection, Peace of heavenly Path


In 2003, he who implemented pilgrimages of the Buddhist holy lands in India visited, and preached the Dharma in 16 different countries in Europe and Asian countries.

The Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành and his Fans

Especially, in his Dharma talks, he often mentioned Dharma propagators in the host country to be frequently flexible to skillfully manipulate Vietnamese Buddhist cultures easily to integrate into the local culture.

The Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành pilgrimed the Buddhist holy lands at the great stupa in Bodhgaya in Spring, 2003.

Along with the Sangha, the Most Venerable Thích Chơn Thành pilgrimed the Buddhist holy lands in 2003.

On June 7, 1997, for the first time, together with fellow country Vietnamese Buddhist people, the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành successfully organized the Ceremony of welcoming the 14th Dalai Lama preaching the Dharma to the Buddhist Community in California, the United States of America. 

Celebrating the new millennium, on behalf of Vạn Hạnh Church, the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành patronized spirits for the Great Ceremony of Anointment held by the 14th Daila Lama at the great theater Terrance of Long Beach Convention Center on April 24, 2000. Buddhist Community of the South of California sponsored over the US $ 40,000 for this great Ceremony.

The Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành organized 12,000 Buddhists of all nationalities to attend the Dalai Lama’s discourse on the Four Noble Truths at Long Beach Convention Hall & Entertainment Center on September 25, 2009. 

In 2011, the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành was an elected Head of organizing Festival of intercontinental Vesak Day for Buddhist Era 2555th organized in Anaheim Convention Center – Arena Hall, 800 W. Katella Ave., Anaheim, CA 92802.


On the other hand, although busy with many Buddhist tasks, despite the high old age of weak health, the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành has tried his best to contribute to building and restoring Liên Hoa Temple in Sông Cầu town, Phú Yên Province, Trà Cú Temple in Phan Thiết City, Quảng Đức Monastery in Thủ Đức District, Khánh Anh Temple in France, Phật Đà Temple, Bát Nhã Temple in South California, and Hội Phước Temple in New Mexico. Besides that, he also proved the Kṣitigarbha Dharma Assembly was held annually at the Peek Family Funeral Home in the South of California.



From 1969 to 1985, Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành went to study abroad in Japan.

In 1985, accepting the invitation of the 40th US. President, Ronald Reagan, Venerable Chơn Thành went to settle in the South of California, the United States of America. To be grateful to America in general, and especially President Reagan in particular, Venerable Chơn Thành considered the President as “his dear old Dad” by donating the US. $36,000 to build a six-foot-tall bronze Presidential statue at Mile Square in Fountain Valley, Orange County, California, America.


In 1975, the United Nations awarded and sent the noble peace medal to Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành.

In 2013, the 41st US. President, George H. W. Bush awarded and sent the noble medal to the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành.

In the term of the 43rd US. President, George W. Bush awarded and sent the noble medal to the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành.

In 2017, the 45th US. President, Donald Trump awarded and sent the noble medal to the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành.

Thus, through his monastic life and Dharma practice of the Most Venerable Master Thích Chơn Thành, we can learn the good things from him as follows:

He lives a simple, happy, sympathetic, and good life with everyone. Imitating his virtuous and talented Master, he always tries his best to cultivate and learn the Buddhadharma. While studying in a foreign country, despite encountering many difficult adversities both physically and mentally, he never dropped out of school and quit cultivation, and resolve to nurture the Bodhi mind to benefit oneself and others right in the present life. Although overcoming many ways of cultivation and learning in different places, he always upholds firm confidence in the Three Jewels and believes deeply in the cause and effect.

Although the Most Venerable Thero Thích Quảng Liên is the virtuous and talented person, the Most Venerable Master Chơn Thành does not rely on his Master in order not to study and not to cultivate. Although busy with his studies, Master Chơn Thành always practices and applies Dharma learning and Dharma practice into his daily life. He is frequently aware that imitating the virtuous and talented Masters is to be a shining example for himself and others by campaigning to raise pure money and pure materials to make charitable donations for needy families. In the process of cultivating and studying at home and abroad, he always chooses good teachers and good friends to study, exchange, work, and communicate with. Towards spirits of harmony, peace, freedom, civil rights, and democracy, along with fellow practitioners, he always nurtures, cultivates, and strongly maintains many spiritual, peaceful, happy roles for many people.     

Indeed, in the process of studying and propagating the Dharma at home and abroad, he has good feelings with many people and been much loved by many people. Wherever he lives, there he develops his mind to establish Dharma Center and build the Buddha body, Dharma body, and Sangha body well. In aspects of diplomacy, he used to work and welcome heads of states, including the 40th US. President Ronald Reagan and His holiness Dalai Lama.

In aspects of spiritual culture, he always encourages the Dharma propagators to skillfully manipulate the Buddhadharma into their daily lives to suit the local culture. In aspects of gratefulness, he always expresses his deep gratitude to the United States of America, especially to President Ronald Reagan, who sent the invitation letter to him to come to America to settle in 1984, by raising money to make a six-foot-tall bronze statue for this President. For fellow practitioners, especially the Late Venerable Thero Thích Quảng Thanh, he always considers the Venerable Quảng Thanh as his Dharma friend with deep affection and flavor. For young monastics, he is always close to encourage and communicate his life experience to them. We would like to sincerely thank the Most Venerable Thích Chơn Thành, the friendly, peaceful, joyful, and respectful Master.


By Senior Venerable Thích Thánh Minh & Venerable Thích Trừng Sỹ

Cuộc Đời và Công Hạnh của Đức Trưởng Lão Hòa Thượng Thích Chơn Thành

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