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News the Most Venerable Elder Master Thích Tịnh Đức passed away

Pháp Nhãn Temple

The Buddha has taught:

Everything that is impermanent

is the law of existence and ending.

Birth and death are over

Letting go of this physical body is happy.

Just received news of the passing of the Late Venerable Most Venerable Thích Tịnh Đức, the Head Monk of Đạo Quang Temple in Garland, Texas, the Four Assemblies of Pháp Nhãn Temple, we would like to wholeheartedly contribute to praying for the Late Elder Master having passed away was born highly up to the Buddha’s Land.

We would like to extend our sincere condolences to the Most Venerable Elder Master Thích Chơn Trí, dharma relatives, and his family.

We would like to wholeheartedly pay respects to the Late Most Venerable Elder Master Thích Tịnh Đức three prostrations.

Namo the Buddha, the Dharma, and the Sangha Triple Gem.

The Most Venerable Elder Master Thích Tịnh Đức sits second from the right.

Tin Đức Trưởng Lão Hòa Thượng Thích Tịnh Đức Viên Tịch

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