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The Fifth Sangha President Thích Quảng Độ Passing away in Sài Gòn, Việtnam

Pháp Nhãn Temple



From the United States, we received the news from the Fifth Sangha President Thích Quảng Độ passing away at Từ Hiếu Temple, in District 8, Sài Gòn City, Vietnam.

He was born in the Year of the Dragon, 1928 in Thái Bình Province.

Passing away at 21:30 p.m., on February 22, 2020,

He was 93 secular years old and 73 Dharma years old.

He is an excellent translator, writer, and author of many Dharma books in modern age.

We pray wholeheartedly for the Late Enlightened Soul of Thero  born up to the Buddha’s Land, soon returns to this world to propagate the Dharma and benefits the many right in the present life.


This Announcement to the Sangha.

Namo Amitabha Buddha 

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