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The Ritual of Vesak Day Chanting compiled by Pháp Nhãn Temple

Ven. Thích Trừng Sỹ                     Pháp Nhãn Temple

Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Samma SamBuddhassa
(3 times, bell)

Respectfully pay homage to the Buddha: The World-Honored One, the Worthy One, the Exalted One, the Fully Awakened and Enlightened One. Namo Buddhaya.
Respectfully pay homage to the wonderful Dharma of the Buddha, the path of practicing peace, joy, happiness, understanding, and love for the many right in the present life. Namo Dharmaya.
Respectfully pay homage to the harmonious and peaceful Sangha of the Buddha, the Community of cultivated people who vow to live their lives of virtue, meditation, wisdom, deliverance, and deliverance with right understanding to benefit oneself and other people right here and right now in the present life. Namo Sanghaya. (Bell)

Praising the Buddha

As wonderful as the lotus flower,
As bright as the northern star,
Let us come back and take refuge in
the Teacher of gods and human beings.
The precious lotus blossoms on the enlightened pedestal,
The halo shines in all directions.
Wisdom is beyond the dharma realms,
Loving-kindness and compassion permeate all the mountains and rivers.
I have just seen the Buddha’s perfect countenance,
I respectfully offer the Buddha my whole sincere heart,
I forward wholeheartedly to praise for the Noble Triple Gem.
Diligence in the Dharma path is well cultivated.

Namo The Original Master Shakyamuni Buddhaya
(3 times, bell)

Respectfully pay homage to the Noble Triple Gem

The Buddha, who is the fully Awakened and Enlightened One,
Shows the way of peace to living things and living beings,
has the virtuous, good, and noble signs,
The Buddha’s wisdom and compassion are perfect.
We, disciples of Gautama Buddha, wholeheartedly pay homage to the Buddha forever present in the three lifetimes and ten directions. (Bell, one prostration)
The Dharma that is the bright way,
Instructs people to escape the realm of delusion,
Leads us to return to true home
In order to lead a life of awakening.
We, disciples of Gautama Buddha, wholeheartedly pay homage to the Dharma forever present in the three lifetimes and ten directions. (Bell, one prostration)
The Sangha that is the beautiful Community in harmony
Travels on the joyful path together,
Cultivates to be freed from afflictions
In order to make life beautified.
We, disciples of Gautama Buddha, wholeheartedly pay homage to the Sangha forever present in the three lifetimes and ten directions. (Bell, one prostration)

Open Verse

The Dharma is deep and lovely,
Now we have a chance
to see, study, and to practice,
we vow to realize its true meaning.

Namo The Fully Enlightened Buddhaya.
(3 times, bell)

Recollection of Gratitude to the Buddha

The World-Honored Buddha;
The Teacher is our peaceful, noble, and spiritual Leader,

The Teacher is the most worthy to be made offerings to,
The Teacher is fully endowed with loving-kindness, compassion, wisdom, love, understanding, and virtue perfectly.
The teacher has skillfully crossed to the shore of liberation, peace, joy, and happiness completely,
The Teacher knows the world thoroughly,
The Teacher has the ability to train and teach living beings,
The Teacher of both gods and human beings,
The Teacher is the fully enlightened and awakened One,
The Teacher deserves to be best honored and respected in the world. (Bell)

Touching the earth to deep gratitude to the Buddha:

Wholeheartedly pay homage to Siddhārtha Gautama Bodhisattva,
starting from Tusita heaven,
foreseeing a wholesome omen to holy Maya Queen,
riding a white elephant with six tusks,
entering into his mother’s fetus.

Namo the Original Master Shakyamuni Buddhaya
(Bell, one prostration)

Wholeheartedly pay homage to Siddhārtha Gautama Bodhisattva,
being born under an Ashoka tree,
being bathed by two currents of warm and cool water,
stepping seven steps lifted out by seven lotuses,
confidently stating out that:
“The Enlightened One is topmost.”

Namo the Original Master Shakyamuni Buddhaya
(Bell, one prostration)

Wholeheartedly pay homage to Siddhārtha Gautama Bodhisattva,
for forty-nine days and nights,
sitting diligently in deep meditation,
attaining the fruition of full enlightenment,
under early morning starlight.

Namo the Original Master Shakyamuni Buddhaya
(Bell, one prostration)

Wholeheartedly pay homage to the Buddha,
throughout forty-five years,
only proclaiming suffering,
and transforming suffering
to bring peace and joy to the world today.

Namo the Original Master Shakyamuni Buddhaya
(Bell, one prostration)

Wholeheartedly pay homage to the Buddha,
at the age of 80,
entering parinibbāna
under between two Sala trees
leaving his holy bodily relics all over the world.

Namo the Original Master Shakyamuni Buddhaya
(Bell, one prostration)

Wholeheartedly pay homage to the Buddha,
the Master of spiritual instruction,
the Teacher of gods and human beings,
the gentle compassion Father in all realms,
bringing welfare and well-being to all living things and living beings.

Namo the Original Master Shakyamuni Buddhaya
(Bell, one prostration)

We, disciples today,
meet the Vesak day
with the joyful minds
Bowing the head in respect.
Ten directions and three lifetimes,
The Tathagata, Trainer of People
jointly with the holy and noble Sangha.
We along with sentient beings of the dharma realm,
owing to the lack of causes of goodness
All are debauched by
Greed, anger, and ego clinging,
fully forgetting the way back,
love of delusion and ignorance
From within the six paths,
Hundreds of afflictions,
Karma of retribution is unlimited.
Now thanks to the Buddha, Teacher of gods and humans,
with the heart of generosity and compassion
Not bearing to see a being lacking blessings,
The heavy reincarnation of samsara,
The thick and dark night,
With the torch of wisdom shining brightly
Vowing to save all beings.
Using the Dharma as skillful means
In Saha world the Buddha appears
with the seed of birth in the Shakyamuni clan.
Holy Maya Devi dreamt of a wholesome omen
King Suddhodana was blessed to give birth to a filial son.
Thirty-two good signs,
Twenty-nine years old,
Extremely pure loving-kindness and compassion,
The will to renounce the secular world is so strong,
The throne is determined to keep away from
To find the way to become a monk
Six years of deep forest asceticism
Seven weeks of stately meditation practice 
Obtaining the full Enlightenment,
Conquering the devils
The three realms all raise the voices to praise
All things are thanks to the Buddha’s grace for saving.
We make the vow:
To abandon the lust that causes suffering
To learn to claim the virtues of lucidity, 
To bow and pray to the Buddha to testify.
May the Buddha bless and support us with compassion:
We along with the dharma realms of sentient beings,
Quickly become the path and fruition of enlightenment.
Namo the Original Master Shakyamuni Buddhaya
(3 times, bell)
Taking seven steps of lotus blooming,
His right index finger points up to the sky, and left index finger points down to the ground, the new-born baby Buddha clearly said that:
The fully Awakened and Enlightened One is supreme
In heaven and on earth, no one is more perfect than Him,
Today is the great celebration of Vesak Day …. We the disciples of Gautama Buddha together celebrate the gratitude to the sublime merit of Shakyamuni Buddha, who founded Buddhism, the path of mindfulness, awareness, culture, equality, and peace honored and respected all over the world.
In front of the auspicious blessing of the Triple Gem, we would like to pray for the world peace, good weather, favorable rainy wind to living things and living beings on earth.
Everywhere in rural and urban areas, all people know how to follow Buddhism, keep far away from evil, do good things, purify their minds.
The peace messengers of Lord Tathagata, monastic and lay Buddhists all over the global together learn, practice, and apply the Buddha Dharma into daily life to benefit oneself and other people right here and right now in the present life.
Express diligent vows and pay thankful respects to the Triple Gem
We, disciples of Gautama Buddha, are always aware of ourselves by day and by night, constantly practice and recollect the light of the Buddha. Namo Buddhaya. (Bell, one prostration)
We, disciples of Gautama Buddha, are always aware of ourselves by day and by night, constantly practice and recollect the light of the Dharma. Namo Dharmaya. (Bell, one prostration)
We, disciples of Gautama Buddha, are always aware of ourselves by day and by night, constantly practice and recollect the light of the Sangha. Namo Sanghaya. (Bell, one prostration)
May we be well,
May we be happy
May we be peaceful
May we be healthy
May we be free from suffering, greed, anger, delusion, hatred, violence, ignorance, wrong view, etc.
May the Buddha and Bodhisattvas bless and protect all anytime and anywhere.
Bodhi, the wonderful Dharma of the Buddha turns noble and stately.
According to the place where I dwell strongly in Dharma learning, Dharma practice, Dharma understanding, and Dharma joy, I feel forever happy and peaceful. (Bell)
Sharing the Merit
May the merit of cultivation today
Be direct toward all living things, and living beings
We and human beings
Can realize the Buddha’s way together. 
Sadhu, lành thay, well-done, and excellence.
Namo Buddhaya. Namo Dharmaya. Namo Sanghaya. 
(Bell, bell, bell)
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