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The Tết Invitation Letter of the Dragon Year – 2024

Pháp Nhãn Temple

Please download the PDF of the Full Moon of Lunar January Prayers Paper
The Tết Invitation Letter of the Dragon Year – 2024
To Buddhist Monks, Nuns, lay Devotees, and everyone,
On New Year’s new day, Maitreya Buddha was born
with the much good virtue and peaceful mind,
we who respectfully pay homage to Him,
pray peace for all sentient beings.
Indeed, on the occasion of the New Year, according to the Buddhist culture and the spiritual tradition of Vietnamese people, Tết is the best opportunity for everyone to go to the Temple to sow the merit, cultivate auspicious blessings, and pray well-being and happiness for families, schools, and society, especially pray for world peace, all places of prosperity, economic development, education, morality, wisdom, etc. This year, Pháp Nhãn Temple will hold and celebrate Tết of the Dragon Year – 2024 as follows:
Friday night, February 9, 2024,
Lunar New Year’s Eve Celebration
5:00 pm: Repentant Ceremony at the end of the Cat Year
6:00 pm: Welcoming New Year’s Eve, wishing Tết for you, giving New Year’s lucky gifts to you all.
Saturday, the First Day of the Lunar New Year,
February 10, 2024
10:00 am: Celebrating Maitreya Buddha Spring
Sunday, the Second Day of the Lunar New Year,
February 11, 2024
10:00 am: Ceremony of New Year Prayers 
Monday, the Third Day of the Lunar New Year,
February 12, 2024
10:00 am: Opening and chanting the Greatest Happiness Sutta 
Sunday, February 18, 2024
10:00 am: Opening and chanting Medicine Master Sutra and Dharma talk
Sunday, February 25, 2024
10:00 am: Offerings to the Full Moon Day of Lunar January and Ceremony of becoming the Buddha’s Children.*
You are cordially invited to spend your precious time going to the Temple to attend the above-mentioned programs. If you are far away, you can send your full name, age, and Dharma name to the Temple for the Master to read in chanting and praying ceremonies. 
We wish you and your loved ones full of joy and happiness in the Buddha Dharma.
Tết arrives, all people rejoice in the Buddha –dharma 
Spring comes, all places fill with peace – joy
The Abbot of Pháp Nhãn Temple
Venerable Thích Trừng Sỹ
* Please write your full names, DOB, and an ID photo, send them to Phap Nhan Temple soon in order that the Master will fill them in Certificates of Ordination for you.
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