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A Student Is A Future Teacher

Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams



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“A student of the Dharma learns the methods taught by the Buddha, and how to correctly practice these methods, by referring to the Buddha’s teachings recorded in the Tripitaka (Three Collections), and by listening to, studying, and reflecting and meditating on these teachings, as well as the commentaries and explanations of the teachings given by authentic Dharma teachers.

Maintaining a pure intention, clearly learning and understanding the methods to be put into practice, and enthusiastically making the effort to practice, the student establishes inferential knowledge. With consistent and constant study, contemplation and practice, the student progresses to indirect knowledge and eventually to direct and experiential knowledge.

When the student’s knowledge and practice of the Dharma is sound, they are able to teach through their actions and words. Whether this be through formally giving Dharma talks and instructions, or by simply engaging with others in a peaceful, caring and meaningful way. Hence, the sincere student becomes the teacher. In one way or another we are all students and we are all teachers.”

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~Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams~


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