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To Be Able To Successful Protection Of Culture Will Buddha

Ven. Thích Đồng Trí


Master’s degree and Buddha’s PhD has been recognized by the government of Vietnam as the Prime Minister for Master’s training, Doctor of Buddha’s degree issued on 09/11/2017, meaning Master of Buddha’s graduation studying at Buddhist Institute of Vietnam can continue studying PhD in respective fields (philosophy, religion, psychology, administration, culture, etc) at foreign universities, people Graduated PhD in Buddhism can teach undergraduate and postgraduate levels at externally. When prestige and class are raised higher the standards of that must be set higher. To be able to successfully protect Master’s thesis, students must carefully note the following:

1 / When choosing the topic to write should be in accordance with the hobby, mind and in reach, in your enabling conditions:

Selecting the right topic is the first important factor. Have to choose the topic, the deeper you study, the more interesting you write, don’t choose the style of climbing the tiger back, it’s hard to stop but not to stop.

Furthermore must know how to limit the subject focus to completion within 1-1,5 years. Especially to consider research references for the subject that can be found, collected.

2 / About reference and quotes, uncle’s charges:

You should understand clearly where is the th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th, th .. For example, for Buddha’s subject, the Law of Law is a 1. th grade study. This depends on the topic and study with Pali, Sanskrit or Hoa – Han. With basic concepts, Pali, Sanskrit, Han reference. For Master’s thesis, there should be about 70-75 % that is written by myself, the remaining 25-30 % that is leading them. Because to ensure tightness, persuasion, the essay should be common, the essay should be accompanied by, or ′′ say yes book, share evidence “. How to write the reference (author name, book name , year of publishing, city, publisher, etc.) it’s like that, based on the rules of the University and the Institute, the note clearly specified the number of pages that determine the location of that quote in the original. If each page has about 2 certificates, thesis (90-200 pages), there are about 200 testicles, not less. The quote needs to be close to the earlier thesis, focus and not too long.

3 / Study Methods:

Don’t have to write this in for procedures but each Thesis uses different methods to deploy, research and present for the most effective. Fuck wallet is a method of literacy (using various texts), analytical method uses frequently how to analyze, comparison method has many comparisons in thesis,… Judges in the Council to protect Master’s Thesis will ask how the research used the methods of research?

4 / Tight, reasonable layout:

In the content section of the Thesis that distribute chapters, usually from 3-5 chapters, these chapters are closely linked together to unravel the content of the topic. All have different functions, supporting each other to complete the function of Luong Van. Let the reader see clearly that organic bondage, don’t let any chapter be leaky, detached, not enticing with other chapters and with themes.

5 / Literature speech and measures of meditation:

′′ Literature downloads religion “, using literature to express your thoughts, you must use it properly and effectively, especially in writing and spelling, sentences must have full language, language,… must use word measures to make the reader feel good, attractive and persuasive. Giant quotes, lame and spelling errors will be insensitive and make thesis unequal.

6 / Avoid ′′ ethics ′′

Other people’s posts are their property, if they do their own things without specifying whether they are directly or indirectly quoting, it is ′′ ethical “, stealing other people’s literature. Red-colored sentences in anti-plagiarism software, like turnitin, just random duplicates or quotes, typically, the rate of duplicates is less than 20 %.

7 / When presenting on topic before the Council to protect the thesis with a 20-minute limit, you should prepare to split the time frame closely:

Reason for choosing topic: 1,5 minutes

Other works have published related topic: 1 minutes

Research method, key contents in the thesis: 1 minutes

Conclusion: 1,5 minutes

So it took 5 minutes already, then the remaining 15 minutes share with chapters in content (3-5 minutes each show)

Although there is powerpoint on the board, but the study should say it’s about 20 minutes rather than reading powerpoint. How to have a capital to talk about your subject within 20 minutes, so it’s not hard, how about the lecturers and instructors who often teach themselves for 90 minutes?

8/ When answering the question:

It is advisable to quickly think of the main intention to answer exactly according to the question the judge gave, according to the perspective, experience and what to learn, study in the knowledge level. Many times the examiner wants to research how to react to unexpected questions to see if he has studied ripely on the subject and has a firm knowledge of what is presenting yet?

9 / The end of the biology study:

Whether it’s passed or failed, students should still thank the Judges Council for their valuable feedback. The more you comment, the more wrong places you are, the more interested you are in reading and thinking about your thesis books. It is better that research students are made difficult while defending thesis than thesis that later lasts long and is criticized by many generations.

Please sympathize with the judge’s posture, everyone loves to study birth but the conscience of responsibility and duty must hold the standard and prestige of the University, quality must be parallel to the quantity , forced the judge to play the role of ′′ Bao Thanh Thien “, ′′ unquestionable justice ′′ and ′′ pity for the rod “. If the judge gives little points or falls away, it’s all because of God, For the school and for the students, they also want to give better modifications to students, have the best scientific products, spread the good things, do the Dao, beautiful life.

The position of the instructor as parents and students. They will love Students in times of ′′ conscientious power ′′ or they blame themselves: why don’t you show those places for students to fix, if they don’t have to be miserable and miserable failing like now. This mood is like parents taking their children to the exam. ′′ Win no arrogance, defeat no discouragement “, they are willing to give the students mental martial arts guidance and continue to guide the students to correct the essay according to the exact same places that were advised in the Council until the Thesis is reached demand and protect success.

This is serious work, mind-working, once had thesis that even though it was ′′ beans ′′ but criticized by the masses and had deviant, wrong ideologies so serious and ′′ ′′ Difficulty ′′ in the Council to protect master thesis is inevitable. Research students please do serious passionate research, have many innovations, be confident, make contributions on academic research, know how to accept critics contribute, if you fall, you should also reach out Shoulders stand up. It’s not the end of all but starting to open a new history page with maturity, integration into life, to live better and contribute to the world to make the world more True American.


Like Dong Tri


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By Ven. Thích Đồng Trí


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