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Practise The Middle Path

Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams



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“Avoid all extremes, practice the middle path, which consists of perfect understanding, thought, speech, action, livelihood, effort, mindfulness and concentration.

Transcend the extremes of eternalism and nihilism. Practise the eight-fold path. Train yourself in morality to live a pure and sacred life. Train yourself in meditation to develop awareness, attention and focus. Train yourself in wisdom to perceive things as they are.

Morality training consists of right speech, action and livelihood. Right speech means speech free from lying, slandering, using harsh language and gossip. Right action means actions free from killing, stealing and sexual misconduct. To act with respect for life, generosity and care. Right livelihood means to abstain from trading in anything that would bring harm to ourselves and others. Our virtue should always out-weigh material gain.

Meditation training consists of right effort, mindfulness and concentration. Right effort means to do ones best diligently toward the right direction. The effort to overcome and avoid unwholesome thoughts, and to develop and maintain only wholesome thoughts. Right mindfulness means to maintain a pure and thoughtful mind, mindfulness in regards to body, feelings, mind and mind objects. Right concentration means to keep the mind clear and tranquil for its concentration, seeking to realise the minds pure essence.

Wisdom training consists of right understanding and intention. Right understanding is the wisdom of clear vision. Seeing things as they are, to thoroughly understand the four noble truths, the law of karma and not to be deceived by appearances and desires. To look at ourselves and the world without delusions or distortions about reality. Right intention means the resolution not to cherish desires, be greedy or angry, and not to do any harmful deed. Intentions free from ignorance, attachment and aversion.”

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~Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams~


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