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Radiate Inner Peace/ Think & Act Skilfully & Positively/ Good Q&A from Dharma Master Andrew

Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams

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“A little while ago I was asked the following good question by a very thoughtful and conscientious young student, following a Dharma class. My brief answer follows below.
Question: “As a practising Buddhist, how can I reconcile my desire to be successful, ambitious and career-driven with the Buddhist concept of right livelihood. Sometimes it feels like the pursuit of being successful career-wise is very wordly, driven by materialism. Can I be a decent Buddhist and a successful career person. Is this possible?”
Answer: “Yes of course you can be a good Buddhist practitioner and have a successful career.
It is important to engage in thoughts, actions and words, which includes your chosen career or livelihood, that avoid harming yourself and others, and only bring benefit to yourself and others.
Right livelihood means to abstain from trading in anything that would bring harm. For example: Do not trade in (a) Human beings (slavery, prostitution and the like), (b) Flesh (breeding animals for slaughter and the like), (c) Intoxicants (alcohol and drugs), (d) Poisons, (e) Weapons.
Our intention is of utmost importance. So maintain pure intentions and always remember that virtue should always outweigh material gain. Listen to your conscience and be honest to yourself, and if you have doubts, ask a trusted virtuous friend such as your Dharma teacher for guidance.”
I hope that these words, both the question and the answer, are somewhat helpful to you on your path to enlightenment.”

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~Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams~


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“A little while ago I was asked the following good question by a very thoughtful and conscientious young student, following a Dharma class. My brief answer follows below.

Question: “If good and bad are all relative to a person, let’s say, to a terrorist bomber, what they are doing is a good thing, but to others it is not. So that would mean right and wrong are relative too. So how do we know that something is an ‘absolute’ right thing, and who says that this is right and that is wrong.”

Answer: “The Lord Buddha said, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with an impure mind, and trouble will follow you, as the wheel follows the ox that draws the cart.

We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world. Speak or act with a pure mind, and happiness will follow you, as your shadow, unshakable.”

Therefore, we should do our very best to speak and act with a pure mind, and avoid speaking and acting with an impure mind. We should have faith and confidence in ourselves to be able to live this way.

Avoid activities of the mind, body and speech that cause harm and trouble. Engage only in activities of the mind, body and speech that are helpful and bring benefit to all. Of utmost importance is our intention.”

I hope that these words, both the question and the answer, are somewhat helpful to you on your path to enlightenment.”

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~Dharmacharya Andrew. J. Williams~

Think & Act Skilfully & Positively
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“If you think positively, with good intentions, in this moment, the subsequent thoughts will be positive, virtuous and meritorious, and result in leaving a positive karmic imprint on your mind-stream.
Conversely, if you think negatively, with bad intentions, in this moment, the subsequent thoughts, if left unchecked, will be negative, non-virtuous and harmful, and result in leaving a negative karmic imprint on your mind-stream.
So think positively, with good intentions, and avoid thinking negatively, with bad intentions.
If you speak and act skilfully, with good intentions, not only will it result in leaving a positive karmic imprint on your mind-stream, it will also most likely result in clear, peaceful and understanding communication with others.
Conversely, if you speak and act unskilfully, with bad intentions, not only will it result in leaving a negative karmic imprint on your mind-stream, it will also most likely result in confused, conflicted and harmful communication with others.
So speak and act positively, with good intentions, and avoid speaking and acting unskilfully, with bad intentions.
If you think, speak and act skilfully and positively, with good intentions, the result will be positive, virtuous and meritorious, and the wise will rejoice in your merits.”

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~Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams~

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“Peace must firstly be developed internally, in our own mind, and then expressed outwardly through our actions and words.
We must live by example. Thinking, acting and speaking with the motivation to cause and maintain peace, harmony and understanding. Then peace can be caused and realised, and the lack of peace can be overcome.
In one way or another, all religions and philosophical traditions teach morality and a path to peace. But if we live contrary to these teachings, then peace can never be individually or collectively realised.
Also we must remember that for us to be kind to ourselves, we need to be kind to others. Therefore, when we are kind to others we are kind to ourselves. For we are all intimately connected, all each other’s close relative.
When a pebble is thrown into a pond, the ripples that are created cover all parts of the pond. Likewise, every thought, action and word effects everything.
So we should think, act and speak with universal love, compassion, joy and equanimity. This way we can contribute to peace in the world and have a positive influence on others to do likewise.”

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~Dharma Master Andrew. J. Williams~


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