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Nature Lessons with diverse and rich images

Thích Trừng Sỹ


As we know every day, our families should spend our free time instructing our children to learn a lesson both English and Vietnamese very well. Teaching the Dharma to them when they was young, they can absorb it quickly.

Bend the bamboo while it is still bamboo sprout. In doing so, the father, mother, brother, and sister will become good educators in our family.

Do not wait for the old bamboo to bend at that time it is very difficult.

Do it well as the Buddha ever taught when Rahula was young.

Wishing you all success in the field of the children’s education. 

On the occasion of the global corona epidemic season. Our families have skillfully instructed our children learning natural lessons in Vietnamese and English so well. Leisurely unwholesome: when the children are free, at that time, at home, there is no one instructing them, they will roam the internet easily damaged.
Very happy to see and watch the kids of family Linh Truong studying the Dharma well daily.
Below are the fresh gifts for our children.



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