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We Should Be Honest To Ourselves

Dharmacharya Andrew. J. Williams

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“When an emu or an ostrich does not want to be seen, they naively bury their head in the sand, thinking that their whole body is hidden from all that surrounds them. They seem to believe that because they can’t see anyone, no one can see them.

Similarly, many people act in this way. Thinking that their unwholesome actions of mind, body and speech go unnoticed by those around them. They live their lives trying to gain respect from others, but unfortunately think, act and speak contrary to their  wish to be respected.

They have no understanding of the universal law of karma, not realising that for every unwholesome thought, action and word that they engage in, they will experience a similar unwholesome and undesirable effect.

So we should do our very best to only engage in wholesome thoughts, actions and words, and encourage and persuade others to do likewise.

We should be honest to ourselves and not put our head in the sand. We should believe in ourselves and our potential to live virtuously.”

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~Dharmacharya Andrew. J. Williams~


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